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Run and Grow

Using an Attorney in Negotiations

Negotiations are an area where small businesses often call for help from an attorney, but the decision to let an attorney handle negotiations can be tricky. So how do you know whether to let your attorney negotiate on your behalf or just be a sounding board to provide you with guidance?

Core Values Are the Key to Customer Service

Core values affect the customer service experience—for external customers as well as internal customers (employees). They can attract customers to do business with you, and be a motivating factor for employees to enjoy their work and do it well.

Increase Your Customer Loyalty with a Contact Center

Next generation contact centers have the ability to increase customer satisfaction and enhance the consumer experience, which in turn increases one of the most important components of having a successful business—customer loyalty.

3 Top Food Trends for Small Business Owners

Whether you own a restaurant, food truck, or catering business, or you’re a food retailer, keeping up on food trends is an important part of running a successful business. Here are three sizzling-hot food trends to add to your menu or store shelves to help fatten up your profits.

What You Can Do to Protect Your Business

Opening a business is as hard as it is fulfilling. As a future business owner you will need to take many precautions to ensure that your business will be lucrative. While a solid marketing strategy and insurance plan will not ensure that your business will have enough funds to operate, it will at least give you and your business a fighting chance.

Do You Get the Most from Your Workers?

Potential is a free-flowing thing. So is passion. But job profiles limit both. While they certainly are useful, job profiles should not be so rigid as to discourage employees from taking an interest in anything else. If an employee displays great enthusiasm in their role, chances are…

Why You Should Set Benchmarks

One of the things that each and every business needs is a systematic way of evaluating their performance. Without quantifiable benchmarks, a firm has no idea if they are swimming ahead of the pack or just treading water.

What’s Your Customer Service Legend?

Do you have a legendary customer service story? If you do, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it to inspire your employees and motivate customers to want to do business with you.

How to Make Your Background Checks More Effective

You probably know that background screenings are imperative when it comes to hiring new employees and, for many businesses, when retaining employees. If you are doing the smart thing you are using a background screening company to make sure that…

How to Cure WhirlyBrand

Is your brand in a whirl? Many a CEO have ignored the signs and are afraid to contact their brand doctors. Some fear the embarrassment of having to admit that they have long ignored the obvious and suffer from denial. Many simply have no idea why they are suffering and are just confused and anxious.

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