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What Google (and You) Can Learn from Amazon

Amazon’s strategy and decision-making process starts (and perhaps ends) with improving the customer experience. Every important meeting, project, or initiative at Amazon begins with a discussion of how the ideas will ultimately benefit customers.

Is Your Unpaid Internship Program a Good Idea? 6 Legal Considerations

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate is especially high among college students and recent graduates. For those unable to find paid work, an unpaid internship might seem like a useful way to gain valuable experience, recommendations and even future job placement.

What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know About Liability

While it’s true that some businesses are inherently riskier than others, all business owners (including freelancers) should be familiar with potential liability issues and what they can do to minimize the risk.

What Your Business Can Learn from 3 Tech Titans

When you think about the latest gadgets, specific companies likely come to mind. It’s not solely because they manufacture all the gaming consoles, smartphones, and other tech-related toys you love, but because these companies are among the most successful tech titans in the world.

Is Your Customer Service Too Well Done?

Don’t let ease of process ever overrule a customized service experience in your business. Today’s consumers want service their way in the channel of their choice! What are the choices available to your consumers and how are they presented?

Setting Up Your Accounting System

Having a good accounting system in place is essential in order for your business to grow to its fullest potential. Here is your blueprint for setting it up.

Small Business Hiring Tips

Small businesses have to be more careful than big businesses when it comes to hiring. Choosing the wrong employee can be detrimental to a small business. Unfortunately, a small business…

Using an Employee Handbook to Define Company Policies

An effective employee handbook that lays out all of your company policies can be a great benefit to your small business. Although there’s no kind of legal requirement forcing you to develop a handbook for your small business, experts have found that companies with a handbook that spells out the company’s rules, policies, and procedures have a more productive workplace.

Does Transparency Hurt Business?

I believe people want to know that those they respect and esteem are normal folks, just like they are. They want to know about their failures, their foibles, their unusual beliefs and interests.

Basic Steps to Protect Your Invention

Once you’ve come up with a great idea for a product or service, it’s important to find ways to protect your invention. Not only do you want to make sure people know that it was you who invented the product, but you also want to prevent anyone else from copying your idea and profiting off of your ingenuity, cutting you out of the fruits of your labor.

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