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Asset Protection Tips for Your Small Business

No matter your industry or how small your operation, it’s vitally important to take the proper steps to protect your business from litigation. Why You Need Protection What most people don’t fully understand is that…

Why Excellent Customer Service is Essential to Startup Success

According to the book “Leading on the Edge of Chaos” by Emmett C. Murphy and Mark A. Murphy, 68% of customers leave a business because of bad customer service. That is an astonishing number when…

A Healthy Work Environment: Making Happy, Productive Employees

The concern for the overall health and wellness of employees has been increasing recently, and for entrepreneurs and small companies, it is becoming necessary to place more focus on their physical and mental health. They…

6 Ideas to Help Keep Your Business Safe

Operating a business is a complicated matter. Not only do business managers have to worry about making a profit, they also have to worry about a myriad of things that can compromise the safety of…

Strategies for Successful Global Expansion

The ability to penetrate foreign markets can validate a small business. It can provide a sense of accomplishment and achievement, suggesting that the business has “arrived” as a player on the global scene. After all,…

Key Ways to Avoid a Premises Liability Suit

You probably already know that if a person slips and falls at your business, you’re a prime target for a lawsuit. At the very least, you’ve probably seen the personal injury lawyer advertisements on daytime…

Advice from Experts: How Outsourcing Encourages Business Growth

Outsourcing in business has seen a significant rise over recent years and with the increasing number of startups worldwide, this is only estimated to rise. Outsourcing, or distributing specific projects to a third party, frees…

5 Ways to Ensure Success in a Growing Business

Business success is at the heart of every entrepreneur’s intentions for starting a business. Because failure is not an option, business owners actively seek for ways to improve upon the things they do to keep…

6 Recruitment Trends Every Business Needs to Know About

Earlier this year, we conducted a survey that asked: What is your top 2016 HR priority? Although the sample size was small, there was a clear winner, and we continue to see this trend throughout…

The Hazards of Being a Desk Jockey

Small business owners do it all. You’re the manager, marketer, accountant, and PR person. As a result you pull a lot of long hours at a desk staring at a computer screen, and when you’re…

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