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Innovation Nation?
Is government good or bad for innovation? If you ask whether government is good or bad for innovation, it isn’t very difficult to argue either point.
As the Cupcake Crumbles: What Small Businesses Can Learn
You don’t want to be a one trick pony because eventually customers will tire of the same old, same old and move on. You may hang on for a while, but most likely if you don’t diversify your offering and keep up with market trends, your business will fail.
Is Your Mindset Keeping Your Startup from Success?
One thing I’ve noticed about all the great business leaders I’ve known is that none of them made excuses. They didn’t say, “I did the best I could” or “I guess luck wasn’t on my side today.” They took responsibility for the problem, identified a solution, and focused on improvement.
The Only Way Great Change Happens
Here are some symptoms that show you need to change what you are doing. Each of these foreshadowed a major shift in our business direction, strategy and outcomes.
Why Some Innovative Leaders Get Exceptional Results
How is it that only a few business leaders and entrepreneurs seem to drive exceptional results and disruptive innovation in this rapidly changing market economy (marketquake)?
How to Maximize Efficiency at Your Startup
Is your startup company experiencing rapid growth? If so, it’s essential to know how to maximize efficiency, while still expanding your services. Startup owners must know how to restructure their organizations properly in order to position them for success. We go over a few of the best ways to do this below.
Eyeballs Aren’t Everything
Back when we were all trying to figure out the real value of traffic on the web, we investors—and acquiring companies—got a bit crazy with metrics used to value acquisitions and investments.
SBC Interview: Zapier’s Wade Foster
Wade Foster is the Co-Founder and CEO of Zapier, a service connecting many of the web apps that people use. With a background in marketing, Wade has helped build the company from the ground up.
Objects May Be Closer Than They Appear!
I’m sure that there’s an expectation among your peers that your business will continue to thrive. Truth is, you’re doing quite well, by doing the things you do the same way you’ve been doing them since you first put your shingle out.
Nothing Small About Big Data’s Potential
Nowadays, both small and large businesses have large amounts of data to manage and analyze, and some companies are finding it difficult to perform this task effectively with traditional data management tools.