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Pay Hikes, Bonuses, or Added Perks: Which Are Best for Your Business?
Think about merit increases, cost of living increases, bonuses, added time off and other perks, such as health club memberships, when you decide how to reward and motivate your employees and do what is best for your business.
4 Essentials to Look for in a Project Manager’s Portfolio
If the time has come to bring a new project manager onto your team, it is crucial to make a careful, informed decision. After all, they will have a high level of decision-making for your business, and choosing the wrong person can become costly.
Hire Slowly, Fire Fast
New hires can shore up the weak areas of a business in ways existing employees cannot, if hiring is done to fill true needs.
Healthy Employees Are No Small Business Feat
One challenge that can oftentimes be overlooked on the small business front is keeping your employees fit and healthy for work. Healthy and happy employees tend to be better workers when all is said and done.
Are Job Boards the Route to Take in Hiring Help?
Job boards offer many benefits to small businesses seeking to taking in help, as well as benefits to employees look for work. Here are some reasons why job boards may be the answer to your hiring needs, along with another look at why they may not be.
Rising Health Insurance Costs Are No Small Matter
Health insurance costs are rising and that trend is expected to continue in 2015. This fact is true not only for the individual looking for health insurance coverage but for the small business that must insure its employees. Such businesses must work to remain competitive and keep costs down.
Is Your Health Insurance Expected to Spike in 2015?
As the New Year’s bells toll—are your resolutions made? What about your responsibilities if you’re a small business owner? Are your budgets set, changes made, numbers calculated?
Dealing with Staff Discipline Issues
The one thing that can mar your management efforts are discipline issues from your employees. You can be the best manager in the world, but sometimes your staff will still act out. How you handle it will determine how much these issues affect your business.
Health Insurance Should Be Your Small Business Policy
Health insurance may not be the most important consideration for jobseekers, but it will have a greater effect on their job decisions because of the implementation of Obamacare.
The Importance of Hiring the Right Teammates: Our 3-Step Process
Your team is critical. Not only do you spend more time with them at your fast-growing company than you do with your own family, but a very large part of your success will depend on the quality and mindset of these individuals.