Customer Service

7 Social Listening Hacks to Boost Customer Loyalty

The importance of customer loyalty is unquestionable. Making every customer a satisfied, regular customer is an ultimate goal for business owners. However, fostering true customer retention is as far from easy work. You need to be…

Make Sure Every Detail of Customer Service is Evaluated

“Look through your customer’s eyes. Are you the solution provider or part of the problem?” ~Marlene Blaszczyk My significant other, Ellie, just had knee replacement surgery. The procedure went incredibly well, but we needed to…

Save Your Sanity and Fire That Problematic Client

When entrepreneurs launch new businesses, they go to extraordinary lengths to earn clients. We’ll take any meeting, make dozens of cold calls and send out hundreds of emails. Slowly, our hustle is rewarded as our…

Words Have Value, Too!

A lot of time and energy is spent quantitatively analyzing the results of surveys. The survey may be based on metrics such as customer satisfaction, NPS, customer effort, or customer experience. This quantitative analysis may…

4 Ways Finding and Retaining Customers Starts with Management

The goal of management in any business is finding ways to create customers. This means sound policies for developing relationships not just with existing customers, but with as many potential customers as possible. Here are…

A Mixed Bag of Personalities: How to Handle Difficult Customers

We’ve all been there as children, standing in front of the sweets counter deciding which sugary treats to buy. My decision was always made up when I saw a big bag of jellybeans. I’d spend…

How to Increase Outbound Call Center Productivity with Good Quality Headsets

When you are a call center manager, you understand that a good quality headset makes the difference between satisfying customers and angering them. However, you might not know that you can do other things to…

Why Customer Service Scripting IS Necessary

There has always been a debate on whether customer service scripting will make customer service representatives sound too mechanical and less spontaneous. A recent interaction with a credit card representative highlights exactly why scripting at…

But Can I Trust You?

I can’t guess how many times I’ve written about trust over the past ten years. I’ve talked about the importance of the know • like • trust model, I’ve discussed the connection between trust and…

6 Ways to Think Outside the Box for Customer Service

Small business owners have to be mindful of their customers. If they provide poor customer service, they will lose valuable business. If they neglect them, they will lose customers. If the customers are satisfied but…

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