People Skills

8 Types of Team Habits. How Does Your Own Team Stack Up?

I’ve spent the past 15 years coaching and training countless work teams. And no matter the nature of the team or the organization, I can tell you one thing for certain: When problems arise in…

a team effectively communicating together

How Leaders Can Improve Communication With Their Team

As a small business leader, you know just how influential your presence is on your business. Your team relies on you to guide culture, set the tone, and steer the company to success. One of the…

How to Encourage Employees to Take Vacation Time: 4 Tips

Are you struggling to encourage employees to take time off? It’s time to prioritize their well-being and encourage them to recharge. In this article, we’ll share tips and strategies to help you create a positive…

happy and safe employees

4 Approaches to Make Employees Feel Psychologically Safe

It’s usual for businesses to want to take calculated risks to maximize business output and reap the rewards. But there are a number of repercussions of this, most notably the impact on our employees. Employees…

an employee recognition award

Employee Recognition: Why Glass Awards Outweigh Paper Certificates

In the realm of recognition and reward, presentation matters. While paper certificates have their place, nothing compares to the prestige and significance carried by a well-crafted glass award. Image Source: Unsplash These elegant tokens carry…


4 Ways to Support Your Employees Through Illness or Injury

As a business owner, it is highly likely that your employees might experience an illness or injury at some point in their career. Being able to adapt to these situations and support your employees is…

5 Tried-And-Tested Practices For Managing Employees In A Start-Up

It’s no secret that start-ups have unique challenges when it comes to employee management. With limited resources, a small staff, and the potential for rapid growth or downsizing, entrepreneurs need to be prepared to modify…


How to Take Employee Output to the Next Level

Are you interested in improving your employee performance? In doing so, you can make sure that your business is reaching the right standards and gaining the ground on the market that you hoped for. Here…


Narcissists in the Workplace: The Good, The Bad, and Best Way to Deal With Them

Narcissism has a long-standing love-and-hate relationship with work. On the one hand, narcissistic behaviors can drive people to pursue their ambition to actualize an innovative product—think of Steve Jobs of Apple. On the other hand,…

businessman holding a lit lightbulb

How to Be S.M.A.R.T. When Setting Goals & Influencing Others

When it comes to coaching, educating, and goal-setting, the SMART model (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed) has become a powerful best practice tool for persuading and influencing ourselves and others. This methodology helps us to clarify and more…

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