People Skills

How to Mold Managers That Propel Your Business Success

Here’s a shocking fact of U.S. businesses: Leadership training doesn’t typically happen until managers have been on the job for some 10 years. I think it’s easy to understand why this is so. Very often individuals…

Create Powerful Online Training Events

Virtual and online training events can be effective when strategically planned and implemented. Like all training, the key factor in online training events is participation from the attendees. Engage in Online Training Events The engagement…

Have You Been Celebrating Each Victory?

Here comes another story. Of course. This one may be like one or more you have experienced in your company. It is a story about focus upon the customer, first. And about reinforcing the culture…

How to Motivate People to Action

It is a 3-step process to get people to take action: Inspiration Being inspired is seeing the big picture. It is the excitement and passion. A person must believe that it is possible for them…

Earn Trust from Your Workers and Get Rewarded with More Customers

In today’s world, everything is visible in a digital way. An all-tech, always-on culture and lifestyle means that privacy is perishing quickly. That means that being earnest and building and maintaining a culture of trust…

How to Harness the Simple—and Free—Secret to Increased Productivity: Gratitude

Could your business benefit from: Increased loyalty? Higher productivity? Fewer sick days? A positive attitude? An important key to gaining these advantages is simple…and in many ways free: Gratitude. A Harvard Mental Health Letter summarizes the findings…

5 Things You Can Do to Become a Better Manager in the Modern Age

Management isn’t easy, especially in today’s changing world. It seems that as time goes on, the job becomes more challenging, with new technologies and progressive ideals taking over the workplace. This change demands an evolution…

Employees: Your Most Important Audience

Companies fall into a very familiar pattern. We invest a significant amount of time and energy into chasing after and wooing new customers. We spend the lion’s share of our communications and marketing dollars trying…

Why Healthy Competition Among Employees Works

One of my favorite childhood memories is the centuries-old national tradition of color war at camp. I loved the intensity of this week of games, contests and events, as well as the life lessons it imparted. We celebrated…

No (Wo)Man is an Island

John Donne penned a famous poem, No Man Is An Island, as part of his Devotions on Emergent Occasions. Even in 1624, apparently there were problems with silos, self-centeredness, and the behaviors/mentalities that result. We tend…

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