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Challenge Your Staff for Greater Productivity
I think one of the most common mistakes managers make is not challenging their staff. Managers spend so much time with their workers that they tend to become complacent and fail to provide challenges, which are so critical to helping their staff grow.
Leaders Are Readers
Leadership expert John C. Maxwell says, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” Read everywhere you can. This means on the bus, while waiting in line, or any time that you get a few minutes.
Leading By Example
What we, as leaders, do every day, how we behave, the things we get involved in, how we set priorities—our people watch, observe, and emulate. What we do always trumps what we say.
Before You Can Be Customer Centric, You Must Be Employee Centric
Customers must be a company’s top priority for it to succeed. But in order to have a truly customer-centric outlook, the same level of service must start within the organization with a dedication to employees.
How to Build a Resilient Organizational Culture
A 2012 Towers Watson study found that in most organizations, only 35 percent of employees said they were engaged. In other words, 65 percent of employees have mentally checked out, causing productivity, innovation, and creativity to plummet.
4 Reasons Why Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Leaders understand that, to achieve goals, it’s important to have everyone working in unison. If they all have different goals, the only result you’ll get is chaos.
Insincere Apologies Are Trust Killers
Expressing remorse without any real intent to change comes off as insulting or dismissive, like someone who always comes late to a meeting and says, “I’m sorry I’m late.” The likely truth is she never really intended to be on time. No one believes her apology, and so she is not trusted.