Working with Lenders
How and When to Use Short-Term Business Loans
Almost every small business needs to borrow at one time or another. However, not all loans are created equal—and some types of finance are more appropriate in particular circumstances. So, what is the best guidance…
When You Should Seek Financing for Business Growth
Growth is the lifeblood of every young business. Yet sometimes it seems too risky to take out finance to take your company to the next level. So what are the signs that you should seek…
What is a Credit Inquiry and Why is it Important?
There are a lot of factors that go into determining your credit score. While you’re likely aware that being tardy in repayments or declaring bankruptcy are the kinds of things that can damage your credit…
Turn Your Receivables into Cash Quicker Using Telecom Factoring
There’s no denying that maintaining a small or even a medium-sized business can be tough in this day and age. The telecommunications sector often receives the brunt of it, because the face of the industry…
9 Reasons You Were Denied a Small Business Loan
If you’ve just been denied a small business loan and find yourself asking why, the answer might lie in one of the nine reasons below. We can’t supply a cure-all for fixing your loan application…
How Financing Can Benefit a Growing Business
Is your business humming along? You might think you don’t need to take on debt and just let the good times roll. However, times can change quickly and whether you are growth-oriented or maintaining a…
Small Business Loans for Women-Owned Business
Small businesses (generally defined as companies with fewer than 500 employees and less than $2 million in average revenue) are the driving force behind employment growth. In fact, small businesses provide jobs for over half…
How to Solve Your Business Lending Problems
Asset-based finance is big business these days. Since the financial crash of 2008, banks have significantly tightened their lending criteria and become much more risk-averse – with the result that SMEs are looking to other…
How Does the Alternative Finance Industry in the US Compare with Europe?
It is fair to say that each geographical market is growing at its own unique pace, depending on attitudes, trends and the adoption of technology. In this post we will look at the alternative finance…
How to Use a Small Business Line of Credit
A business line of credit can be a powerful asset, especially if business owners learn how to use them efficiently. So what is a business line of credit? And, how does it differ from a…