Sales Tax Non-Compliance: What’s Your Exposure?
An entrepreneur’s dream is to start her own business and witness it grow. First, she wants to see it grow locally. And then, she may see it grow statewide. Whether the company is a small…
Tax Deductions for New Small Business Owners
As a small business owner, you can take advantage of many tax breaks to reduce your tax bill and keep more of the income you earn. Many business tax deductions are often overlooked and are…
13 Reasons Commercial Accounting Software is Better Than Excel Spreadsheets
It’s a little ironic: Spreadsheets launched the personal computer business back in 1979 yet today spreadsheets can sink your small business…if you insist on using them for your accounting. VisiCalc was probably the first “killer…
Small Business Accounting: How Much Of It Do You Really Need?
Entrepreneurs usually know very little about small business accounting when they launch their startup or local business. They’ve had an idea or see a problem that needs to be solved and they “go for it.”…
Corporations: Changes for 2016
One of the most positive aspects of my job is to talk to people who come in with their start-up ideas. Whether those are tried & tested ideas or totally out of the box schemes,…
Elevator Speech Part 3: What You Offer
So you’re rounding the corner now on the elevator speech, which I say is something all business owners should be able to do. You’ve done the market story, which was part 1, and the why you,…
Filed a Tax Extension? Do These 5 Things Before the October Deadline
Some of us just need to buy a little extra time when handling our IRS tax obligations each year. If you are part of this group this year and you filed for an extension of…
Are You Getting Your Fair Share of Startup Equity?
I always tell entrepreneurs that two heads are better than one, so the first task in many startups is finding a co-founder or two. You need to find the skills or experience you don’t have…
Digital Payment Processing: What You Need to Know
Take a look at any research released around the world these days on consumer preferences. When it comes to payments, you’ll see that debit and credit cards (along with other non-cash methods such as PayPal) tend…
4 Different Payment Methods for Your Small Business
One method to maximize sales (and success) of your small business is to offer various payment options. By doing this, you are giving your customers choices and also capturing every sale you possibly can. While…