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Who Ever Heard of Bad Loyalty?

Did you ever imagine that there could be an issue with customer loyalty? Could there be a time when customer loyalty may not be the best answer? When we think of customer loyalty we often…

Is Your Budget a Forecast?

Hold it! These are confusing terms. When does a budget become obsolete? Do we rely upon constant changes and call it a forecast? So, let’s spend a few moments defining this sometimes-confusing set of terms….

How Accepting Bitcoin Can Help Your Business

While you may have heard about Bitcoin, you may not realize that this alternative form of payment could benefit your business. In first describing how this cryptocurrency works for payments, it’s very easy to get…

Vehicle Tax Deduction for Small Businesses

Whether you’re self-employed or run a small business, chances are you use a car to get from point A to point B. Luckily, during tax season, you can claim your vehicle when Uncle Sam comes…

When and From Where Should I Seek Business Funding?

There are many reasons why a business may require an injection of funds. Before you seek finance it is crucial that you establish whether you truly need external finance, how much you need and the…

Owners Should Utilize the Work Opportunity Tax Credit

With the utilization rate of less than five percent, business owners are leaving a ton of money unclaimed for this tax credit. What is the Work Opportunity Tax Credit? WOTC is a Federal tax credit…

How to Improve Your Credit Score Before Making Important Investments

Being a successful and responsible adult involves taking important decisions like the place where we desire to live, to consider a retirement fund or even an extra income out of Forex Trading. However, prior deciding…

Switching Payroll Providers: A 5-Step Checklist

Any kind of change can feel overwhelming and switching payroll providers is no exception. Getting it wrong can also result in an administrative nightmare or worse—which is why you should follow these steps to cover…

Secrets and Tips to Avoid or Conquer an IRS Audit

If your reported income seems a little high or low, chances are you might hear a knock on your door from the Internal Revenue Service. We know the tax filing process is a colossal headache….

What More Payment Processing Options Means for E-Commerce Startups

I see many of the changes in the online payments industry impacting what businesses will have to consider when they add or manage their payment processing systems. This is especially the case for startup founders…

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