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Who is Self-Employed?

The IRS considers you as a self-employed individual if you operate a business as a sole proprietor or as an independent contractor or if are a member of a partnership.

What You Should Consider Before Switching Banks

More often than not, we make the decision to change banks in a hurry: either we’re in the process of setting up a whole new endeavor and we need an account right away or something about our old account has gone horribly wrong that forces us to switch banks immediately.

4 Strategies to Attract Investors to a Small Business

By getting others to back a small business financially, the company will have a much better chance of being prosperous over the long haul. The good news is that there are several options aspiring entrepreneurs and established small business owners can use to attract others to a company for the purpose of helping to fund it.

In the Eyes of the Beholder

While price is a dollar amount, value is the relative worth or desirability of a thing (product, service, idea, opportunity, etc.) to the end user or beholder.

What’s the Difference Between Angel Investor and VC?

I see this confusion a lot: People use the terms “venture capital,” “venture capitalist,” and “VC” to apply to any outsider investing in a startup. However, it’s really useful to draw some distinctions in this area, between three important classifications: venture capital, angel investors, and anybody else.

Supreme Court: Employers Must Pay FICA Tax on Severance Pay

For years, employers and employees alike have been on the hook for FICA taxes on severance payments made to those who have been laid off by a company involuntarily. After some cases in lower courts questioned this requirement, the Supreme Court recently reaffirmed the longstanding IRS tax requirements on severance pay.

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Trade Promotion

Trade promotion is a tricky subject because of the sheer amount of money that is at risk. Often, trade promotions will be the most expensive marketing tool that is used for the year and it has the potential to either make or break a company.

3 Things You Need to Have When Raising Money

Each of us has a list of things we look for early on when identifying whether we want to go to the next step in analyzing a plan. Come to think of it, these are good for challenging any business plan.

Don’t Ignore These Variables in Financial Analysis

However idea-fueled your organization might be, entrepreneurs cannot afford to ignore the significance of numbers. Maintaining a regularly updated set of financial data and forecasts will not only provide you with a clearer understanding of your business’s performance but will also part a crucial role when seeking money from investors.

Should You Scrap Commission for Your Sales Team?

Commission-based sales plans have long been standard in the sales industry. Many small business owners are reluctant to abandon them, believing the widely held opinion that salespeople are primarily motivated by money.

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