Budgeting and Personal Finance

Avoiding Business Bankruptcy: The Do’s and Don’ts to Merging Business and Personal Finances

It can be all too easy for a business owner to unintentionally mix their personal and business finances. Here is a closer glimpse at some of the do’s and don’ts when it comes to handling multiple financial accounts.

Finance Resources for Nonprofit Organizations

It can be tricky managing the finances for a nonprofit organization. Keeping track of invoices, reimbursements, and petty cash seem like minor issues but they can quickly spiral out of control unless proper controls and policies are put into place.

5 Tips for Saving Money That You Haven’t Tried Yet

Small savings can often lead to large differences in the bottom line of any business, which is why so many business owners consistently look for creative ways to save money.

Event Planning Finance Tips

The initial stages of planning an event can be daunting. People may have a great time attending your event, but operating at a loss puts the event, if not the company, at risk.

How to Survive Lean Times

Everybody who is in business for himself (or herself) is going to have dry spells every once in a while. So plan for them. Focus on controlling the things you can control.

5 Tips to Reduce Your Operating Budget

Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate! Whether you are a new customer or an old loyal one, if you open a conversation and negotiate with your suppliers or vendors, most of them will likely respond by lowering prices.

Minimum Wage of $10 is Maximum Headache for Small Businesses

Raising the minimum wage to $10 or more per hour puts a tremendous burden on small businesses. They’re already hurting from decreased revenues as households reduce spending due to high unemployment.

Small Biz Check Up

It’s the first week of April. How are your financials doing? It’s time for a small biz check up. By now, all your financials on the first quarter of 2014 should be available to you.

What You Should Consider Before Switching Banks

More often than not, we make the decision to change banks in a hurry: either we’re in the process of setting up a whole new endeavor and we need an account right away or something about our old account has gone horribly wrong that forces us to switch banks immediately.

Don’t Ignore These Variables in Financial Analysis

However idea-fueled your organization might be, entrepreneurs cannot afford to ignore the significance of numbers. Maintaining a regularly updated set of financial data and forecasts will not only provide you with a clearer understanding of your business’s performance but will also part a crucial role when seeking money from investors.

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