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Business Coach

Bill Aulet Talks Entrepreneurship

Not long ago, entrepreneurship wasn’t considered a “real job.” Today, it’s everywhere. Even people who aren’t entrepreneurial themselves sing the praises of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, and everyone talks about how important it is to have more entrepreneurs.

Social Media Part II

Why should you be on social media? Not only are your competitors there, trying to capture mindshare among your customers, but your customers and potential customers are there, too. Without being on social media, you’re asking customers to find you on their own, in an age where customers expect businesses to have a social media presence.

Lessons from Phil Horlock

Every small business owner has to deal with problems. Phil Horlock, CEO of Blue Bird Corporation, learned a lot about solving problems during 32 years at the Ford Motor Company, and now he puts those lessons to use in his own company.

Lessons from Bob Pittman

For entrepreneurs, there are a lot of different “styles” of ways to lead people and run businesses. Finding the right one for your personality and your business is an important step to success. Bob Pittman, the Chairman of Clear Channel, provides a great example.

Creative Destruction

If you look at the Fortune 500 list today, and compare it with the Fortune 500 list from 50 years ago, you’ll see just how much has changed in a few decades. Sure, there are a few companies remaining, like General Electric and Exxon, but the turnover has been massive. It’s all about creative destruction.

Focus on the Process

You might think that the most successful people talk a lot—and especially to their team—about success, however it’s measured in that walk of life. But you would be mistaken.

Dissent is an Obligation

For a team to be at its best and strongest, then every member needs to be fully invested and involved in what’s going on. Robin Richards, the CEO of the CareerArc Group, is a leader who has some great insight into building a team that really performs.

Getting Past the Fear of Failure

When we watch the most successful in any field—whether they are professional athletes, Fortune 100 CEOs, or anything in between—all we see is supreme confidence. We don’t perceive any doubts or fears. But everyone, from someone just starting out to the most accomplished and successful, has self-doubt. The key is overcoming them, and not giving in to them.

We Are All in the People Business

In some way, shape, or form, we’re all in the people business, no matter what your company does. You always have to think about other people: your customers, your employees, your partners.

Talk to Your Competitors

Change is a constant in every walk of life. As a quarterback, you have to adjust what you’re doing not only every season, but every game, every half, every quarter, and even every play! It’s a constant chess match, with offense and defense adjusting and counter-adjusting and evolving their strategies quickly.

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