SmallBizClub is dedicated to providing small businesses and entrepreneurs the information and resources they need to start, run, and grow their businesses. The publication was founded by successful entrepreneur and NFL Hall of Fame QB Fran Tarkenton. We bring you the most insightful thinking from industry leaders, veteran business owners, and fellow entrepreneurs. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


How Online Retailers Can Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Many people reading this will have been there. You fill up your online shopping cart, proceed to the checkout, but decide not to make the purchase at the last minute. This issue will result in…

How the Mobile Age is Changing the Way People Shop

The age of mobile is significantly affecting modern consumer behavior. In this day and age, mobile devices are reigning supreme. Everywhere you go, you see people are glued to their mobile phones or tablets. According…

7 Ways to Avoid Poor Website Performance

Today in business, the name of the game is customer service. If you keep your customer happy then chances are good that your business will be successful. Now obviously, in the digital age, a website…

10 Reasons Being a Female Business Owner Rocks

More than simply being your own boss, female entrepreneurship rocks for some less-than-obvious reasons. If you’ve ever considered venturing out on your own, here are ten of the best reasons to start now. 1. The…

How Do I Make the Right Business Decisions?

When it comes to running a business, big or small, there is no secret recipe for making the right decisions. And there is often more than one right decision—or no right decision, and just one…

10 Surefire Ways for Leaders to Stay Energized Every Day

Most effective and productive leaders know how necessary it is to stay energized. Leaders who forget this fact and become de-motivated do not only hurt their followers but also their businesses, as well. In today’s…

Not All Social Media is the Same: How to Use the Strengths of Each Platform

Most business owners already recognize that social media is a key element of successful marketing in 2015. Yet it’s important to recognize that each social site has its own strengths and weaknesses, and you cannot…

7 Efficiency Lessons from Small Business Owners

When running a business, efficiency isn’t all about energy. In order to ensure that your business is a success, you should take necessary steps to ensure that your business is running as efficiently as possible….

6 Tips to Creating a Unique Company Culture

Creating and fostering a unique bond within a group has always been a challenge, as different expectations and individuals often go head-to-head against each other and undermine precious efforts to achieve a common goal. It…

Leave the Ad Bidding Headaches to Software Programs

These days, if you happen to be in a marketing presentation, you cannot escape hearing “big data” and “personalized advertising” a couple of times, at least. Then there will be the epic cliché of advertising—“the…