Ed Roach

For more than 25 years, Ed Roach has worked with hundreds of successful small businesses by helping them develop unique brand positioning strategies that differentiate them from their competition. Ed appreciates working with companies who see the value of going beyond mere slogans and have a desire to sell from compelling positions, and consults predominantly with businesses facilitating his proprietary process, "Brand Navigator." This branding process effectively focuses a company's brand, delivering a positioning strategy that can be taken to their marketplace. He is the author of "101 Branding Tips," a book of practical advice for your brand that you can use today.


When All Else Fails, Trust Your Brand!

We all have good days and bad days. What do you do when that stretches to weeks and months? Try determining the true reason for the slow-down before you take knee-jerk reactions.

What is Your Brand?

Some say, “I don’t need a brand.” Well frankly, you have one whether you want one or not. Essentially, your brand is your reputation. Every touch point in your company has an impact on your brand.

Small Business Brands Win with Boldness

When you’re seriously involved in branding small businesses, one clear thing you recognize is that small to medium size enterprises are hungry for a new approach. They’ve heard of branding through their trade publications and on the street.

When Salespeople Don’t Sell

What happens when sales people don’t do what they have the skills to do? When economies are good and businesses are humming along, many sales people joke that products sell themselves. But once the economy catches up and sales numbers drop, this is where the real talent rises to the surface.

Embrace the Limb

For all the words I write on branding, everything I’m saying boils down to this: if you’re not playing, you’re losing.

How Branding is Relevant in a Slow Economy

If you understand your brand and are passionate about it, then you have a better than average chance to weather the storm of a slow economy or recession. If you’ve been addressing brand issues and have built your company on values that are rock solid, then there is every reason that you will come out smiling at the other end of this down-turn.

When Should a Company Re-Brand?

There are many good reasons why a company might want to re-brand. Entrepreneurs by their nature see the benefits in upping their game. Constantly raising the bar within their category keeps the competition on edge.

How to Win with Compliance Branding

At the end of the day, adhering to industry, and government compliances makes you competent to do business within your category, but it does nothing to differentiate you. You are simply on an equal footing with your compliant competitors.

10 Branding Cracks to Avoid

A brand by its nature has to be strong and stable. Owners of the brand have to be ever diligent to ensure its authenticity. Stake holders have an enormous impact on this stability. Stresses from the marketplace place a hefty strain on it

How to Make Branding Pay Off For You

Your brand is your company’s reputation. It incorporates every touch point from within your company and outside of your company. It is how the principals, shareholders, customers, suppliers, and employees interact with the company.