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How Far Can You Niche Down and Still Have a Viable Audience?

By: SmallBizClub


How Far Can You Niche Down

When I was thinking of starting a new internet marketing agency, I was considering different passions I had.

One of those is technology, and more specifically the very latest in technological developments.

I decided that the ‘new technology releases’ angle was too big and too competitive to enter. However I did consider one very specific niche that I feel would work well.

This is not something I am personally going to enter; although I do feel there is an opportunity for someone here.

Niching right down

I wanted to provide an example (and opportunity for someone) to show how business opportunities can still be found by really niching down. I am going to provide examples that show the benefit, in terms of standing out from the competition, as well as how this is can be sustainable going forward.

Mobile phones, or smartphones in particular are obviously incredibly popular. I would not personally attempt to enter into this market. However I like the idea of looking at mobile phone charging devices, or potentially mobile phone batteries.

These two angles are niche enough to separate yourself from the mainstream competition. I feel a site on either of these two areas could prove to be very popular. Especially if the information provided is both current, and looking to the future.

I also genuinely feel there is a lot of viral potential here. Let’s take a look at a few examples that you could work with.

Let’s look at mobile phone batteries first of all, I came across one product then I had no choice but to read more about. What if I told you that your smartphone battery could last a whole week?

Impressive? It sure is.

British company Intelligent Energy have created just that. They have managed to run an iPhone 6 for 7 days on one charge. To do so a fuel cell was created that burns both hydrogen and oxygen, to maintain its charge.

Rather than electricity, the phone is charged with hydrogen gas that is attached to the headphone socket. The potential benefits of this could be huge. I would love to charge my phone once a week. What about those that travel or have high mobile phone usage; this could enhance the way they operate.

Is a hydrogen powered battery enough to create a website about? Very possibly, especially if this kind of technology can be expanded into other avenues or becomes mainstream. Watch this space… Or better still, write about it.

There is another spin you could take on this angle also.

Rather than looking too far into the future, let’s look at something that is available and present right now.

If I was to enter this industry today, then I would look at wireless charging.

I think that there is enough information and products out now, to create a really great site. However, the products that will soon enter the market are also particularly exciting. I could see a really well written website be both popular and future proof.

Let’s look at a few examples to show you what I mean. Many smartphone providers now use metal casing rather than the plastic that was previously used. This means that wireless charging devices can be created that will charge your phone without being plugged in.

Take Qualcomm’s WiPower as one example. This mat sends charge to a device via Bluetooth.

What about in your home? Ah it gets good now. This couples cost and convenience.

IKEA has joined forces with Qi to create a range of wireless charging furniture.

The collection, which includes lamps, tables and desks; can enter you home as stylish furniture, whilst also charging your phone.

Intel could well be one of the big players in this field also. They are releasing Rezence products which will charge multiple devices wirelessly.

Not just phones, but also computers and other large devices; without the need for a charging pad.

It seems that the potential for wireless charging furniture is huge, as is the competition.

Could you enter now and grab yourself an audience? I think this specific ‘wireless charging furniture’ niche has huge potential; for both a customer base, for growth and income opportunities.

So as well as IKEA, Intel and Apple, many others are entering the wireless charging furniture market, some of which are independent students. Such as a Rhode Island scholar who has created a lamp that only turns on when two smartphones are placed on its base to charge.

The idea is that we can take a break from our phones to interact with each other, whilst our devices charge and a soft light enhances the room. I think this is a sweet concept that could well pull on people’s emotions.

Samsung have also got in on the party. They have designed a new computer monitor the SE370. Not only is this a wireless monitor with a great picture quality (it really is superb) and reduced blue light emitted.

The stand also acts a wireless charger. This is the world’s first smartphone wireless charging monitor; and I must admit it’s pretty impressive.

Round up

Hopefully I have shown that there are opportunities to create a brand new resource that stands out.

The potential audience size for these two examples is vast.

By niching down so far you will be able to stand out from the rest of the competition.

I really believe that creating a beautiful website to showcase these ideas and concepts will help you create a very engaged audience, who with the power of social media; would help you build your brand.

Would an audience like these type of sites? I believe so. If you do also, then now is the time to get creating.

Alan AllsoppAuthor: Alan Allsopp is the founder of expropria.com, providing SEO for estate agents.

Published: August 24, 2016

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