How to Calculate the Value of Customer Relations

Customer relations are inarguably one of the most important performance drivers of your business. Unfortunately, many companies often push customer service to the sidelines because they have a hard time understanding the value of providing good customer service and the lasting impact it can have.
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Keep Your Business Heated Up as the Temperatures Drop

It’s only October, however, parts of Colorado have already been hit with a major blizzard. Let’s face it, winter is just around the corner. Snow, ice, and blistering cold temperatures often cause us to hibernate in warm, comfortable offices instead of making calls on customers and clients.
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The Way to Get the Most out of Every Lead

An online ad addressed to a specific segment of your market is a double-edged sword. While a targeted ad can positively influence the buying behavior of your audience, it can also cause the rest of the market to feel disconnected when they don’t see how the ad is relevant to them.
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Why Would I Pick You?

Marketing 101 is that you need to understand how you’re different from your competitors. It is perfectly logical: if you cannot differentiate yourself in terms of what you sell, how you sell it, or why you sell it, the only differentiator left is price.
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