Why Native Advertising is Taking Over

There’s a lot of talk going on in the online marketing industry about the seemingly imminent takeover of native advertising. Advertisers, publishers, bloggers, and affiliates all seem to be ready and waiting for the shift from traditional banner ads to sponsored content, expecting native advertising to really step into the spotlight in 2014.
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3 Time-Saving Hacks to Help You Close More Sales

I think we can all agree that a salesperson’s time is their most valuable asset. I’ve been in sales longer than I can remember, so I know very well from experience just how much a salesperson’s effectfiveness can suffer by limiting their productivity and misusing their time.
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The Battle Between Search and Social

For years, search engines have been the primary way for consumers to find new businesses. Now, though, you can make a strong case that social media gains more than search engines in the amount of site traffic and referrals it brings.
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What Your Website Says About You

Your website is a massive part of how people judge your business as a whole. If it looks like something that is still stuck in the 90’s-early 00’s (think HTML, primitive flash, gradients!), then that’s a bad sign. But even the most modern, sleek looking sites are nothing without any substance attributed to them.
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The Biggest Content Marketing Mistake Brands Make Today

Many brands that have invested in content marketing over the last few years took a strictly owned media approach. They created copious amounts of content and published it on their own websites via a blog or something similar. After that they used their own social channels to broadcast the content.
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EZ Tips: Web Writing 101

There are probably ten or more items that you need to pay attention to when writing a web page. Some of these have to do with the copy itself, some with the structure of the page and still others are more behind the scenes things like tags.
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Which Content Types B2B Buyers Value Most

If you own or work for a B2B (business-to-business) company, you’ll want to know which types of content your prospects prefer. Right? What’s the point in spinning your wheels if your prospects and customers don’t read your stuff?
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