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The Ever-Evolving Landscape of Cloud-Based Communication

By: Scott Resnick


Ever Evolving Landscape of Cloud Based Communication

There is no denying we are in a transformational period of time in which telecommunication technology is constantly advancing. We are seeing advancements in IP and broadband-based services, telecommunication applications, and even in the devices used to communicate with coworkers and customers.

For now, let’s take a quick look at the ever-evolving landscape of cloud-based communications and how a small business can maintain a competitive edge by opting for a cloud-based system.

Remote Work Is Cost-Efficient

Many businesses have stores at multiple locations, and when communication takes place among these different locations, it is imperative they are carried out quickly and with crystal clear clarity. Even a tiny misunderstanding from one location to the next can lead to a significant loss in revenue.
With audio and video conferencing via cloud services, it becomes possible to optimize business growth, especially for those brands that are operating via multiple locations. More importantly, it allows workers to work remotely from any location at any time; this increases productivity, optimizes customer service, and it even increases a business’ ability to take advantage of some of today’s top talent who prefer to work remotely.

Imagine a conference call taking place among all of a company’s supervisors. Instead of having to pay for airfare to fly in each supervisor from each of their office locations, the conference call can be hosted via a cloud-based video application. This decreases traveling expenses and increases productivity because each worker doesn’t have to spend time traveling. When workers can do their job remotely, cost-efficiency soars through the roof.

Streamline Tasks Via Multiple Devices

With cloud-based telecommunication services, it becomes possible to use work applications on any type of device. Instead of buying a mobile device for each worker and paying for their monthly phone bill, though, small businesses can use cloud-based applications that work on the workers’ personal devices and then pay a small percentage of their monthly phone bills. Let’s look at a comparison.
If your small business has 30 employees and you were to purchase a mobile phone for each of them at $250/phone, this is $7,500. If you were to pay for the monthly bill on each phone at $100/phone, this is $3,000 a month.

If you have 30 employees and opt for cloud-based applications that work on their existing phones, you automatically save yourself $7,500. And if you pay $0 on each of their monthly phone bills as a way to compensate them for using their personal phones for business tasks, your monthly expense is $1,200 versus $3,000. As you can see, the ever-evolving landscape of cloud-based communications is making it possible to achieve substantial cost savings.

Eliminate Traditional Work Phone Systems

Another benefit gained from the ever-evolving landscape of cloud-based communications is the ability to eliminate the use of traditional landline phones. A small business phone system that operates via the cloud means there is no need to implement costly maintenance, nor is there a need to perform constant hardware upgrades.

When taking advantage of an IP phone system, the service provider is responsible for hosting, maintaining, and upgrading the accompanying technology. The only thing a small business has to do is configure the system to its very own needs. And if help is needed, 24/7 customer support can be accessed to simplify the system configuration process. Even more notable is that today’s IP phone system service providers offer systems that scale, meaning as a business grows, so can its telecommunications.

The Ultimate Benefit

The most notable benefit gained from today’s ever-evolving landscape of cloud-based communications is enriched collaboration among employees and customers. Barriers that once existed are no longer an issue, especially geographical barriers. Regardless of the location and no matter the department employees are working out of, advancements in cloud-based communication make it possible to collaborate efficiently and effectively via applications like real-time chat, mobile-to-mobile voice calls, online video conferencing, and more.

Today’s Top Cloud-Based Communication Industry Leaders


Twilio eradicates the headache of having to build a complex communications system. This industry-leading company has become a powerhouse in communications, providing businesses with first-class VoIP and mobile software. And since there is no need to use messy telecom hardware when using Twilio, This allows companies to better focus on their core operations.


If you’re looking for a way to embed voice and text messaging into your overall operations, you can’t go wrong with Bandwidth. This industry-leader in communications can especially help you give your applications a voice.


This Houston-based company specializes in communications for businesses of all sizes. And in addition to superior customer service and plans that can be customized to meet your company’s exact needs, TTI partners with NEC to deliver a 5-year warranty on all purchases.

The Takeaway

Regardless of the industry a small business operates in, telecommunication is a key driver to success. And when businesses don’t take advantage of today’s cloud-based service providers, they are hindering their profit margins, and most importantly, they are limiting their ability to provide superior customer service.

Published: September 18, 2018

Source: TTI Houston

a man

Scott Resnick

Scott Resnick is the President and Owner of Today's Telecommunications Industries, LLC (TTI) in Houston, TX. For the past 39 years, Scott has been instrumental in serving the telecommunications needs of some of Houston's largest and most influential companies. TTI is one of the largest NEC dealers in the United States. Scott is an avid baseball fan, loving father, husband, and a world traveler.

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