Want to Be a Published Author? Do These 4 Things.

Do you think you have a book idea and want to be a published author? You aren’t alone! Authorship has become the new standard for expert thought leadership. Whether you want to take your business to the next level, build your personal brand, or kickstart the next phase of your career journey, writing a book…

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Should You Start Writing a Book?

Just about everyone I have ever met has said, “I know I have a book in me.” And they are all right. As humans, we are filled with stories that need to be told. That said, undertaking writing a book as a busy and creative business owner has some very specific implications on your time,…

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How to Make Money Writing About Business Travel

Small business owners usually consider travel a necessary expense for doing business. They attend trade shows, visit clients, attend meetings or seminars, and speak to groups. However, travelling doesn’t have to be an expense. It could be a way to bring in extra income or at least a way to reduce what you owe on…

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5 Qualifications to Make Your Business Stand Out

The business world is competitive. One of the first things you probably did when starting your company was figure out how your company would be different from the other companies in your field. It always seems like there’s someone out there doing more, and fighting to catch up can be exhausting. You may never be…

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5 Best Practices for SEO Copywriting

SEO copywriting is the process of creating content that fits the dichotomy of appealing to both audiences and search engines. There are many strategies that can help boost rankings and drive audiences to promote content by linking or sharing. The challenge lies in optimizing page copy with target keywords as well as piquing the interest…

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3 Tips for Optimizing Ecommerce Copy

Writing copy for eCommerce can be tough. Chances are there are a ton of pages to optimize and limited space to write in. So how can you make the most of this opportunity to both bring potential customers to your site and get them to buy once they’re there? Here are 3 tips to get…

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5 Ways Writing a Book Will Kick-Start Business Growth

What every entrepreneur needs more than anything else, after they have built an innovative new product or service, is visibility, credibility, and trust by customers, potential employees, and future business partners. In my experience as a business advisor, one of the best ways to get all of these, is to publish a book on the…

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