Posts Tagged ‘Website’
Is Your Website a Security Time Bomb?
Wearing a helmet was optional in my state during my motorcycling years but I never had the guts to go helmet free. One mishap could have caused an ugly mess for me and for my dependents. So it is with your business and website security.
Read More Mobile Website Design: Target Your Least Loyal Customer
Have you noticed all the one-page websites that seem to be taking over the Internet? They have the advantage that they don’t require any clicking on the part of the user, which leads to wait times while pages load.
Read More Is Your Site at Risk of a Google Penalty?
For any small business, ranking well in Google is key in order to drive relevant traffic to your website. Imagine then, if Google punishes your business site by issuing a manual penalty which results in a significant drop in your ranking in the search engine’s listings.
Read More How Your Website Design Affects Your Business Success
With the knowledge you’ve gained about business success in recent years, you likely realize that a suitable internet presence plays a significant role in it. However, break that down even more. Not only does your presence on the internet help to attract buyers, but your website design does as well.
Read More Redesigning Your Blog: Top 3 Pitfalls to Avoid
It’s no wonder why people are moving from Flash to HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 5 for their websites or blogs. The fifth version of HTML not only supports text and links, but also multimedia enhancements such as video, audio, music, and graphics.
Read More 5 Online Branding Mistakes That Can Kill Your Startup
Online branding is an abstract concept that is easily misunderstood. It’s often mistaken for your logo, your products, or service. But branding is much more than that. It’s entwined with every aspect of your business, whether you realize it or not.
Read More 3 Tips to Increase Brand Identity
The struggle to make a name online sometimes feels like a full-fledged war. And the battle is even tougher for a small business. So in order to survive, small businesses need to increase their brand value.
Read More Take Your SEO to New Heights
Small business owners oftentimes find themselves at a disadvantage against larger sized companies. For starters, the bigger businesses typically have more spending power, money that can go towards advertising, marketing, hiring the best talent and so on.
Read More Use Video Whenever Possible
Each video, especially those on the front page of a site, must be compelling, to the point, and short. If you are selling a product, a one to two minute demo that is well edited will work wonders for viewer retention.
Read More 4 Principles That Will Help You Hit Your Mark With Your Homepage
The first thing customers see when they visit your website is the home page, so it stands to reason that you really want to hit your mark with it. Many will take that to mean the homepage should be loaded up with as much pizazz as possible just to wow your first time visitors.
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