Opportunity Math is Within Your Reach

a collage of various office supplies

I’m constantly amazed as I look at performance of organizations. I think, “Why do we revel in achieving our quotas and scaling goals, when we could be doing so much more?” I call this, ‘opportunity math.’ If we achieve our growth/revenue goals, we think we are doing well. Too often, however, we could/should be doing…

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How to Make Your Startup Profitable

Manager signing paperwork while working with a diverse team of colleagues around a boardroom table in an office

It’s true, there is no one-size-fits-all advice that every business owner can follow with respect to productivity. But your business is probably also trying to reach a huge profit margin and there are a few tips that can help. This comprehensive guide examines some of the best practices that can help your startup succeed in…

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7 Types of Success – Are You Successful and Don’t Know It?

Sport and life achievements and success concept. Rear view sporty girl raising arms towards beautiful glowing sunshine.

Success is a suitcase word, with a range of meanings that encompass different types of success. MIT Media Lab professor Marvin Minsky’s observation is that a suitcase word “Means nothing by itself, but holds a bunch of things inside that you have to unpack.” He saw the need to unpack and analyze these words as they often…

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Want to Achieve Your Goals? Write Them Down

Close-up of a businessman's hand writing goals and list in the diary

If you have a big idea, goal or dream about helping others, writing down your vision can help. Studies show you’re 33% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Take it from Marcy Bursac. After reviewing thousands of handwritten entries, Pilot Pen selected her as the newest winner of the G2…

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OKR Implementation: Fostering a Culture of Achievement

a coffee, a pen, and a napkin with the words "If your plan doesn't work, change the plan not the goal"

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) provide a simple yet powerful framework for setting challenging, measurable goals that align effort across an organization. When done correctly, OKR implementation can motivate employees and focus teams on the outputs that truly move the needle for the business. However, even the best ideas fall flat without thoughtful execution tailored…

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How to Be S.M.A.R.T. When Setting Goals & Influencing Others

businessman holding a lit lightbulb

When it comes to coaching, educating, and goal-setting, the SMART model (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed) has become a powerful best practice tool for persuading and influencing ourselves and others. This methodology helps us to clarify and more readily achieve our desired state by focusing the mind on specific outcomes. The SMART model provides a framework for refining…

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Here’s What To Do If Your Small Business Is Tanking

mistakes in setting goals: too big, too many, not specific, not written

You’ve poured your heart and soul into your small business. Perhaps you’ve sacrificed everything to get it up and running, or maybe you’ve been dreaming of opening your own place as a way to give something back to the community. Either way, if you’re reading this, you probably know that your business isn’t going so…

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6 Reasons Why Business Owners Don’t Set Goals

a goalie stopping a ball from going into a goal

With all of the outstanding benefits that research has proven in regards to goal setting practices over the years, why is it that so many business owners still do not set goals for their companies? Since the turn of the 20th Century, stacks of data have been compiled demonstrating just how powerful the art of…

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6 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Improve Your Small Business

It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, it can be tough being a small business. You will have limited resources in comparison with the big companies and this can make it difficult to stay afloat. Fortunately, with the right approach, it is possible, you simply need to understand the small, yet effective ways in…

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9 Essential Ways to Grow Your Business

Growing a small business is no easy task. Every day there are new challenges and obstacles that you need to overcome. The key to success in any industry is knowing the right strategies and techniques that will allow you to be successful. The following are strategies for improving your small business so that you can…

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