Long Forgotten? Use Customer Service Skills to Stir Old Accounts Back to Life

When accounts go quiet, don’t assume the customer is going away. Use excellent customer service skills to find out what is going on. They may be waiting, occupied with something else, or have simply forgotten where you are or how to reach you! One effort at reactivation can make the difference between a customer who comes once and disappears forever, and a customer who comes once, is invited back and stays with you forever.
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Building an App? 5 Questions to Ask Your Mobile Developer

Many companies are jumping into the world of mobile digital applications in an effort to attract more customers, and to build better relationships with the ones they already have. In most cases, that means hiring a mobile development company to design and build the app.
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Maximize Your Giving by Avoiding Takers

The difference between givers who climb the success ladder and those who struggle comes in who they do their giving to. The most successful givers are strategic when they give: they will give generously to fellow givers as well as to takers, but they will be very cautious about giving to takers.

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Helping Others Is the Greatest Motivator

A sense of service to our customers, our prospects, and our business partners is the greatest source of motivation that exists. So many people approach situations looking to see, “What’s in it for me?” and then wonder why they can’t find good partners, why there are no strong relationships. When you make it about the other person, when you start by looking to build a genuine relationship and don’t worry about selling anything or getting your “fair share,” then you build a powerful connection. And in the long run, that will come back to you tenfold.
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Hiring the Right Public Relations Firm

Hiring a public relations firm can be a huge boost to your marketing strategy, freeing you to focus on your business while putting professionals to work at keeping you and your business in the public view. But setting out to hire a PR firm can be a daunting task. Where do you even begin, with the many different firms to choose from?

Building a Strong Banking Relationship

Deciding where to do your business’s banking business is an important question, affecting many aspects of your daily operations, such as business loans, deposits, and cash management. What are the steps you need to take to find the right bank and build a strong banking relationship for your business? Here are a few tips you can follow to develop that banking relationship.
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Why Giving Is More Powerful than Getting

It’s not about you. That’s the secret that every person needs to learn in business—it’s not about you. It’s about helping others, about putting what other people need ahead of what you want. The secret to business is providing value to your customers, not looking for ways to make money for yourself.

Go for the Win-Win

If a business owner were just thinking of himself or herself, then the business would never make it. Sure, things might be ok for a little while, but long-term sustainable success only comes when your business is focused on other people. Going for a win is not enough; you need the win-win.
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