7 Tips for Entrepreneurs Who Like to Work Alone

You can’t win as an entrepreneur working alone. You need to have business relationships with team members, investors, customers, and a myriad of other support people. That doesn’t mean you have to be a social butterfly to succeed, or introverts need not apply.
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Why Face-to-Face Networking Works Best

Because of my passion for networking—doing it, talking about it, teaching it, coaching it—I have lots of opportunities to chat with various people about how they view this important professional skill and how they go about growing their networks.
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Win Friends. Influence People. Achieve What You Want.

You have heard that to succeed, you just need to work hard, study hard, learn a lot. But there’s more to it than just that. One very important element is to surround yourself with people you admire. It takes people skills to surround yourself with people you admire but these are skills which can be learned.
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3 Steps to Create a Local Communication Strategy

Becoming the friendly neighborhood national company requires business owners to create a niche communication strategy—one that joins the conversations already taking place in the community and provides clear solutions for the community members’ everyday challenges, needs and aspirations.
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The Elevator Pitch: Not to be Told in an Elevator!

The Elevator speech is really just a script of what you want to say when someone asks you about your business. Many direct sellers just stumble around when asked “what do you do?” Having a clear and concise elevator pitch that creates desire will stimulate questions from the person you are talking to.
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The Benefits of Holding Your Own Convention

When you attend a traditional convention, they will make crucial decisions about the specific agenda, topics to be covered, speakers, venue, etc. This is fine, but it leaves you very little choice. You must find and attend a conference that mostly suits your needs, and it may or may not be in location that has any interest for you.
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6 Tips to Get Customers to Come Back Again

Every business is always looking for one more customer. However, a new customer isn’t always the best answer to growing your business. Your existing customers are every bit as important to improving your growth and profitability.
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