Posts Tagged ‘Philosophy’
Why You Need a Clear Written Mission Statement, and Tips to Write One
When you are buried in the day-to-day operations of running your business, it’s easy to get tunnel vision. Your nose is to the grindstone everyday just getting it done. Such a limited perspective is one of the biggest reasons business owners fail to seize growth opportunities. Myopic vision limits your ability to think about the…
Read More4 Success Tips from Accomplished Millionaires (and a Bonus!)
We are living in Startup Era! It’s never been easier for both white and blue collar employees to quit their jobs and start their own entrepreneurship project. When you decide to start your own business, it’s very important to listen to more experienced entrepreneurs and follow their advice on various business and life matters. Here…
Read MoreOvercome Your Personal Worry Movie
I’ve always found that one of the easiest pieces of advice to give someone is, “don’t worry.” I’ve also always found that one of the most difficult things for me to do is…not worry. Sort of like surgery: it might be “minor surgery” but only when it’s someone else’s. It’s never minor when being done on us…
Read MoreHow to Craft the Best Mission Statement for Your Small Business
Putting together an effective and appropriate plan for a new small business is critical to achieving long-term success in any industry. Typically, some type of mission statement is included in such a business plan. To formulate the best possible mission statement for your business, use these tips: 1. Ask yourself what inspired you to start…
Read MoreThe 6 Types of Entrepreneur
Are you a world changer? An innovator? An opportunist or a jack of all trades? Maybe you’re a serial entrepreneur—or are you actually a wantrepreneur? These are the six major types of entrepreneurs out there, and you likely fall into one of these categories. No one type is better than the other, although the wantrepreneur…
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