How My Life-Changing Accident Turned Into Business Success

women high fiving together while planking at the gym

As a former physics teacher, I never imagined that one day I’d be running a seven-figure business. My path to entrepreneurship was not smooth or straightforward, and in fact, it started at the darkest point of my life. But it’s that journey—from teaching science to nearly losing my ability to walk and then finding business…

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We Need Entrepreneurs Who Think Like Revolutionaries

The realm of an entrepreneur is all about change, but in my experience as a mentor to business founders, I hear too much about incremental change, and not enough about revolutionary change. Adding a couple of new features to Facebook, and calling it something new, may seem less risky, but creating a whole new industry, such…

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What Nourishes Your Soul?

Do you ever get to the end of the day and feel empty? It’s a gnawing feeling. Faint. A whisper. You have been busy and you have done all the things that society and family demands. Kept your end of the bargain. Been responsible. Looked after the essentials. Done the paperwork. Gone to work. It…

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How to Reach Your Potential in an Ever-Changing Workplace

Career progression used to be linear… Get a job, work hard, and make your way up the organizational hierarchy. Predefined structures determined a career path and tenure was reflected in a salary. Over the past few decades, the workplace has embarked on a new journey. Globalization has changed cultural expectations and technology has redefined roles,…

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7 Tips to Develop Entrepreneurial Skills and Characteristics

Being an entrepreneur might sound glamorous, but it can be a challenging path that requires discipline and a special kind of personality. Successful entrepreneurs must acquire certain entrepreneurial skills and characteristics that help them become effective leaders. These skills help them create more success in business and allow them to communicate, form relationships, and achieve…

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Mindfulness in the Workplace: Why It Matters and How to Cultivate It

Mindfulness: a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. As we get busier, more connected, and more hooked up with technology, we are all striving to maintain our balance and live in healthy and stress-free…

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The 3-Step Freedom Code to Making This Year Your Best Ever

How was last year? Did it deliver all your dreams or did it test your resilience? Did it flow? Or was it full of obstacles? Were there mountains that you didn’t want to climb. Or choose… Was it full of challenges that you didn’t expect? Were there events beyond your control that changed your life…

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5 Ways to Push Your Success into High Gear Now

Success is all about you. We’re all working to be successful in some capacity. Whether that be as a Real Estate Agent, a mother, father, friend, business owner or as a working professional. At points, each of these things will cause you to struggle and probably even second guess what you’re doing and your goals.…

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5 Inspiring Books That Are Transforming My Life and Business

The news was horrifying. There had been a mass shooting. Then another story broke. Some madman with his fingers on a big red button with megalomania syndrome was testing nuclear weapons. It’s not a good way to start the day. If we listened all day to the 24/7 news cycle we would all be clinically…

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4 Crucial Issues Every Entrepreneur Should Care About

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in what you’re doing on a daily basis. You might forget about some of the social, economic, and environmental issues facing our world, because you’re just trying to get your product to market or work all the bugs out of your service. In fact, you might…

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