Social Media Integration

Social media marketing is believed to have transformed brands like no other communication tactic has done before. It has significantly altered the elementary nature of the relationship between a brand and its prospective customer.
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Social Media Marketing: It’s Complicated

I work from home part of the week. As a part-time office jockey, when I do turn up I’m relegated to any open desk/couch space I can find, preferably as far away from the conference table as possible to avoid getting swept away into a planned or impromptu meeting (a congenital fear of mine).
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What is Content Curation and Why Do You Need It?

Content curation is a digital marketing strategy that is becoming increasingly popular with small businesses. Adopted by a number of websites and blogs, it is a simple but effective way that your business can improve both its social outreach and its online presence.
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Why Reddit is the Best Lead Generator You Haven’t Heard Of

In this day and age it is hard to keep track of all of the different social media sites. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram…the list goes on and on. Although it’s cumbersome, you need to keep up to date on the latest developments as they can be prime lead generators for your respective businesses.
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Ad Retargeting: It’s About Context, Relevance & Value

The exponential the increase in “big data” aggregation has paved the way for advanced online advertising technologies such as ad retargeting, which allows brands to micro-segment their audience in order to serve up contextually relevant ads in just the right place and at just the right time.
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Online Ad Spend: Still Rising, Trending Mobile & Social

They just keep going up and up. That’s the takeaway from the recently released 2014 Internet Advertising Revenue Half-Year (HY) Report from IAB, which shows Internet advertising revenues in the US totaling $23.1 billion for the first six months of 2014, an increase of 15.1% over the first six months of 2013.
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