8 Tips to Franchise Your Small Business

If you have a small business that can be easily replicated, then franchising may be one of the best ways to expand it at a fast pace. And if you tackle it the right way, you can certainly pump up your profitability.
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Contractors Must Really Be Independent

How many of us have “hired” independent contractors over the years, a bit worried over the gray area between employee and contractor as defined by the IRS? I’ve experienced the results of a wrong decision, and the IRS and state agencies are not forgiving in their pursuit of penalties, interest, and (most damaging) assessing a company with both employer and employee taxes when reclassifying the person as an employee.
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Intellectual Property Awareness

What happens if you’re trying to do business on a national or global level?  One thing is certain. You’re going to have intellectual property issues to deal with. And you may not even realize that these issues exist. Here are a few things to think about in determining whether you need outside help.

Product Liability

No matter what stage you occupy on the business chain, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself from product liability claims. Manufacturers and retailers confronting this issue have had to increase the costs of their goods and services in order to pay the price for not only litigation but also regulatory requirements imposed by state and federal governments.
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Protecting Your Intellectual Property

When you’ve taken the time and effort to develop a unique product or service, you will want to protect your intellectual property so that other companies are not able to make money off of your ideas. There are a variety of forms of protection for intellectual property that you can get in the United States, and it’s important for you to know the differences between them and what you need to do to apply for these protections for your business.
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Dealing with a Loss

What do you do in the event of a loss? As time goes on, your business is almost certain to have deal with an accident, storm, or other kind of loss at some point. By following these steps, you and your business will be able to come through the crisis strong as ever.

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Email Security

There are an alarming number of ways that email can be intercepted or hacked. When you are transmitting personally identifiable information, such as social security numbers, bank accounts, credit card information, and more, you must take important precautions.
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Building an Information Security Plan

Do you know what sensitive data your company has, or what you are doing to protect it? An Information Security Plan is a document outlining all this information in a clear way so that everyone in your organization understands potential risks, precautions, and protocols for data breaches.
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How to Deal with an IRS Audit

Do you know what to do if the IRS decides to audit you or your business? If you’re prepared and know what to expect, things will go more smoothly. There are important things you can do starting during your regular filing all the way through your official report.

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