You’re 50. You’re Downsized. Now What?

As you may have witnessed yourself, the job market no longer provides the long-term security it once offered. Previous generations grew accustomed to a certain career and the length of time they would be in that job—this is now less of a reality than ever before.
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Diversify Your Portfolio with a Franchise Business

As an investor, if you have a healthy portfolio, you are always looking for ways to diversify your holdings. Owning a small business or franchise opportunity can be a smart addition which gives you the option to stay engaged in the semi-absentee model of operations while keeping your day job, so to speak.
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A Family Business? Every Business Should Be

While plenty of empirical evidence can be found to delineate both advantages and disadvantages to working with family, we’re here today to focus on the key benefits of obtaining that all important “buy-in” from your significant other.
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Is Starting a Business Safer Than a Job?

For some people in this economy, downsizing and rehiring has become a boom and bust routine. And over time, it can wear an individual down with anxiety. That’s usually when some become fed up enough to consider starting a business of their own.
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Does a Low-Cost Franchise Mean a Low Return?

With a low cost franchise, you will typically be looking at the opposite end of cost factors than the higher-priced category. Items such as less employees, less physical space needed (sometimes none at all!) and less overhead to get started are all valued features of lower-cost franchises.
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