Posts Tagged ‘Growth’
Are You Ready for a Business Partner?
It can be tricky to figure out when is a good time to take on a business partner. Just the idea of bringing on another person to have an equal stake in the company as you do sounds incredibly daunting. After all, this is a business that you basically brought up off the ground, and…
Read More7 Small Business Tools to Run a Million Dollar Business
Today, I’m speaking at a local community college. It’s the Entrepreneurs club that invited me. The topic I’ve been asked to speak about is a simple one… share my experience starting and growing a small business. No problem! This is a topic I can talk about for hours. The funny thing is… I don’t think…
Read MoreHow to Pick Your Yoda
“It sounds like you have made yourself an issues cocktail,” said my friend David Zelman. And with that comment, I once again was reminded of the value of coaching. David works with leaders—everyone from royalty and billionaires to entrepreneurs—to help them focus on and achieve their goals. He’s also a nice guy who I serendipitously…
Read More8 Key Principles to Keep Up with the Speed of Change
Things change so fast these days in business that your first priority as an entrepreneur is to stay current, by talking to customers, peers, and experts. Secondly, you must constantly communicate suggested changes to your team, implement necessary pivots, and realign all the elements of your business, including partners, investors, and vendors. No change means…
Read More4 Tips for Planning Ahead as You Scale Up Your Business
Nothing stunts the growth of a young business quite like a lack of planning. When my company was in its early days, I often found myself unable to scale as quickly as I wanted to (despite talented employees and some great ideas) because I hadn’t spent enough time charting a plan for the future. While…
Read More5 Tools to Grow Your Locally Owned Business
Here are five must-have tools for every local business. They are easy to install and simple to use. Point of Sale System Sale is the primary objective of any business. It goes without saying that profit, sales and growth are what every businessman looks for. To bring you up to this challenge a must have…
Read MoreOne Thing You Must Do Every Time Your Business Grows 50%
I hear it all the time… Small business owners are frustrated with their businesses and they don’t know where or how to start. You got into business because you had an idea, a passion for solving a problem, and you knew you could make money doing it. The problem is that a few years into…
Read MoreHow to Make Your Recurring Revenues Oil and Not Glue
Some types of businesses generate more and more recurring revenues over time, often growing to a size where recurring revenues pay all of the overhead of the company—an enviable position. There is a phenomenon I have observed time after time with mature companies receiving over 75% of their revenues from recurring sources. Management undertakes a simple…
Read More6 Online Tools to Help Your Business Grow
Growing your business is a marathon without an end, which means you and your employees should constantly strive toward excellence. This isn’t simple to do, but it’s still necessary if you want to constantly become more successful and if your goal is for your business to expand. There are many ways to work on growing…
Read MoreIs Your Business Stable Enough for Growth?
The question might appear almost redundant: what business wouldn’t benefit from growth? But while growth is the lifeblood of any company, it also brings significant challenges—particularly in the cash flow department. In fact, a growth phase can be particularly dangerous as it will involve heavy investment in the business, including the purchase of new stock…
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