The First 5: How to Hire Those Critical Early Employees

Similar to the foundation of a house, the founding team of a startup ultimately determines its future and potential for success—it’s the base on which the rest of the business will be built. Without a strong, durable, and well-balanced founding team there for support, a startup could crumble under the pressures of entrepreneurship.
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Threading Her Way to Success

As a child in India, Reema Khan used to spend hours after school helping out at her mother’s beauty salon. That experience came in handy after she moved to America, got an MBA, found a job, was laid off—and had to figure out her next best step.
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Diversify Your Portfolio with a Franchise Business

As an investor, if you have a healthy portfolio, you are always looking for ways to diversify your holdings. Owning a small business or franchise opportunity can be a smart addition which gives you the option to stay engaged in the semi-absentee model of operations while keeping your day job, so to speak.
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Is It Your Season?

Are you a woman wanting to start a business but struggling to determine whether or not it is the right time? Do you need to wait until the timing is more “spot on,” or should you just jump right in and get started?
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A Family Business? Every Business Should Be

While plenty of empirical evidence can be found to delineate both advantages and disadvantages to working with family, we’re here today to focus on the key benefits of obtaining that all important “buy-in” from your significant other.
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Pick the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Alternative for You

You are an aspiring entrepreneur, eager to dump the corporate grind, and work to the beat of your own drummer, but you can’t come up with that killer idea to save the world. What are the alternatives that will give you the independence you crave, and challenge your business acumen?
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