Why a Strong Social Presence Is More Important Than You Think

Group of friends watching smart mobile phones - Teenagers addiction to new technology trends - Concept of youth, tech, social and friendship - Main focus on center hands

As a business owner, you probably already know that social media can be a great tool for building your brand and engaging with customers. However, your social media accounts could have more value than you realize. In addition to fielding feedback from customers and increasing website traffic, you can use your social profiles to help…

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Don’t Forget Creative Fund Raising

Let me tell you the story of how I raised $100,000 to fill a gap needed to purchase a new home for my young family years ago. I had located a beautiful home that would be a stretch to finance, and had arranged for a first mortgage from the bank, and a second from the seller.
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Realistic Options for Financing Your Startup

One of the first challenges new entrepreneurs face is finding a way to finance their businesses. You have a great business idea but little money to implement it; and, like every entrepreneur before you, you try to scrounge enough money to launch your startup—your dream.
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Don’t Be Fooled by All the Hype for Crowd Funding

The new hot topic for entrepreneurs the last couple of years is crowdfunding, which is anticipated to at least supplement, if not replace, the slow and mysterious process of current Angel and venture capital investors. The problem is that crowdfunding means something different to everyone, and even I have been confused by the different ways the term gets used.
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3 Ways to Fund Your New Startup

Knowing the most common funding options gives you the foundation you need to develop your customized fundraising strategy. So here is a quick(ish) overview of the most common funding types for early-stage startups.
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Small Business Financing: Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding, sometimes also referred to as “how to get strangers to pay for your stuff,” is a relatively new concept. If you’re not familiar with it, popular crowd funding sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo can help people to fund projects that they wouldn’t be able to get a traditional loan for.
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