Income Shifting Strategies to Help Business Owners Become More Tax Efficient

This segment discusses different strategies that can potentially help a business owner become more tax efficient. Some methods include the restructuring of a business and establishing tax-deductible retirement plans. Synopsis The concept of characterization of income (or shifting of income) may result in the preservation of significant wealth. One method of shifting of income is…

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Solid Bookkeeping for Solid Finances

Don’t have time for keeping the books on your business? Better think again. Practicing good bookkeeping can make all the difference between a business that succeeds and one that flounders in the doldrums. Here’s how solid bookkeeping practices can help your business realize solid finances year after year. Solid Bookkeeping Keeps Your Business on Track…

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9 Actionable Tips for Small Business Budgeting

Balancing a budget is rarely simplistic. But a business with a budget is a business with a goal. A budget gives your business guidance, clarity, and focus. It gives you the ability to know where your company is and what the future holds if each piece connects properly. The challenge, of course, is that you…

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Can Big Data Help Cross-Border Remittances?

The overseas money transfer industry has seen considerable changes since the turn to the last century, mainly because of technological advances. Once the domain of banks and high-street forex brokers, it has witnessed the arrival of several FinTech companies. Where there’s FinTech, can the use of big data be far behind? Xoom, an overseas money…

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Bad Business Practice: 5 Things Entrepreneurs Do Wrong

When entrepreneurs hang out their shingle and open their doors for the first time, their heads are bursting with pressure. They are pulled in many directions and pushed by many factors. Self-employed though they may be, they find themselves answering to agencies, vendors, and customers. Those first days can shape the business’s direction, and too…

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4 Keys to Successful Business Budget Management

Nothing about starting your own company is easy. Thankfully, when it’s just you and your partner, it’s fairly simple to monitor your spending and keep your budget in check. You’ll reach a point though where one person (you) clearing every expense is no longer efficient or feasible. It’s important to empower your leadership team to…

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Can Business Failure Damage Your Personal Finances?

This is a question often asked by entrepreneurs, and the short answer is maybe. The longer answer is that it depends on your circumstances and the type of finance you take out. If you’re a sole trader or member of a non-limited liability partnership, of course, then it’s an unequivocal yes—you are personally responsible for…

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