Are You Minding Your Packaging?


The smartest brands know that having an awesome product/service is important, but how you present that awesome product or service matters, too. Yes, it probably costs more. And yes, it means you have to keep upping your game. So there’s risk and cost in making that choice. But it’s what separates the premium brands from…

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No One Likes You

Like millions of businesses around the world, at some point in time, you decided to hop on the Facebook train. You created a presence with either enthusiasm or disdain (seems everyone starts at one end of the spectrum or the other) and posted your first update.
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Becoming a Marketing Master

You don’t have to be a good writer or have a mind for marketing to set a goal of becoming a marketing master. You just have to be willing to do the hard work of learning how to do it and practicing it regularly.
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Don’t Forget the Marketing Basics

It’s so easy to be mesmerized by all the marketing technology around us and forget about the marketing basics. But whether you’re executing a traditional campaign or a digital one—the marketing basics matter.
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Advertising: Creative versus Strategy

Creative versus strategy. For as long as I’ve been in advertising and marketing, there’s been that age-old tug of war. Should advertising and marketing tools be creative/clever/funny/pretty or should the emphasis be on strategically driving the sales message?
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