5 Digital Security Tips You Should Always Beware Of

Hackers are out there, and they have their eyes on YOU! So, you are the first line of defense against them. Do you know how to make your smart phone or computer more difficult for hackers to access? Here are five digital security tips to help: Password Information You would think that these days, everyone…

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4 Ways to Protect Your Device from Online Threats

Cybercrime is continuing to progress at an alarming rate, and cybersecurity is one of the best ways to protect yourself or your business. Many major attacks have taken place, such as the infamous Yahoo attack of 2014 and again in 2016, where it lost the majority of its data. Although individuals are at high risk, almost 43 percent of…

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7 Easy-to-Follow Tips for Computer Security

On a daily basis, I get walk-ins at my computer repair company who ask very similar questions: How can I protect my identity and sensitive information when surfing the web? Quite a few people aren’t aware of the repercussions of downloading obscure files. Furthermore, forgetting to update their anti-virus may leave them open to attack.…

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4 Security Tips for Protecting Employees’ Mobile Devices

It used to be that employing a remote workforce was a bit of an anomaly. Today, it’s the norm in dozens of industries around the world. However, just because it’s normal, doesn’t mean it’s free of risk. Your business needs to take a proactive approach to securing mobile devices, otherwise you’re going to be a…

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Digital Security: Effective Data Protection Tools for Businesses

Protecting crucial business data has always been important. But in this new world where major companies are hacked on a seemingly weekly basis, businesses have to be more careful than ever before. Only recently Carphone Warehouse became the latest major company to be affected by a data breach. But there are plenty more smaller businesses…

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