Posts Tagged ‘Communication’
The Power of “Ritual Questions”
Recently, I read an article about “Ritual Questions.” It’s a powerful concept–but I think leaders can take the concept much further. As I work with and study great leaders, I’ve noticed they all do something similar. They ask the same questions over and over. The questions are a little different depending on the person and the…
Read MoreIgnore Toxic Employees at Your Peril
It takes a lot of work and commitment to grow a great team and a great company culture. It doesn’t take much to topple it. Just one toxic employee can have a cascading effect on the camaraderie and goodwill felt within your company. What you have spent months, years even, developing, can be undone in…
Read MoreThe “Last Mile” in Selling
In the old days of telecom, the days when telecom was dominated by landlines, one of the most important strategies had to do with the “last mile.” (Actually, much of the conversation around net-neutrality is today’s version of the last mile.) The “last mile” was more figurative than literal, but it focused on who controlled…
Read MoreTop 5 Ways to Communicate Better with Your Employees
Do you feel like the communication between you and your employees has been a little off lately? Out of all the challenges business owners are faced with, sometimes, team communication can be the most difficult. This is probably partly because effective communication doesn’t just happen at the snap of a finger. Effectively communicating with your…
Read More3 Ways to Improve Communication in Your Supply Chain
Supply chains are wonderful at creating state-of-the-art products with the help of B2B companies across America. However, poor communication in one part of the chain can cause the entire system to topple like dominoes. Trust us — it’s not a pretty sight. So, when you’re a supply chain manager, maintaining clear communication channels within your…
Read MoreBusiness Translation Services are in High Demand with Increase in Global Diversification
Exciting revolutions in technology, literature, innovation and science have encouraged business people to travel to different countries and explore new opportunities. Improvement in internet technology makes it much easier for people to exchange information. With these evolutions, businesses have started to diversify by investing in different parts of the world. But as much as there…
Read MoreIt’s Harder to Sell Within Our Own Companies
Tibor Shanto posed an interesting situation in a LinkedIn discussion: Got an interesting question or scenario for people who work with sales managers, presented by an experienced sales manager and her new company. She was invited to join the company because of her track record in the industry. They wanted her to establish a similar…
Read More4 Surefire Tips to Get Clients to Pay Faster
You finish the job and send your client the invoice. And then you wait for your payment. And then you wait some more. You silently wonder if you should contact your client, but you know that they will pay – eventually. Sound familiar? We’ve all been there. The problem is that not getting your pay…
Read MoreIt Takes a Balance of Creativity, Communication, and Technology to Make a Good Website
You’ve probably heard someone suggest that it’s important to have balance in your life, whatever your activity, your passion, or your business. This applies to holding on to the proven methods of the past and combining these with what will work in the near future. Balance is certainly essential when you’re in the process of…
Read MorePitch Perfect: The 9 Questions Every Successful Pitch Answers
Many curious co-workers and friends have asked me, “How did you manage to convince your company to let you work part-time, anywhere in the world, in a role you built for yourself?” I typically answer it was a combination of hard work and luck—being in the right place, at the right time, with the right…
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