Trademark 101: How to Protect Your Brand

Chisel for sculpting stone, artistic work

Trademark is the area of law that helps companies protect their brands.  “Trademark” is a great word for a lawyer, but I prefer to speak to the masses.  I call this brand protection law. Did you know that this area of the law came from medieval guilds and ancient ranchers?  Guilds assigned makers’ marks to…

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The Importance of Cohesive Branding in Business

Brand Activation. Motivational inspirational business marketing words quotes lettering typography concept

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, cohesive branding emerges as a critical component for achieving success and establishing a strong, recognizable presence in the market. Cohesive branding goes beyond mere visual elements. It encapsulates the essence of a business’s identity, mission, and values, providing a consistent experience across all customer touchpoints. Let’s look at the importance of…

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How To Increase Brand Awareness for Your Company

a computer screen that reads "Increase Brand Awareness"

Building brand awareness is a critical component of any company’s marketing strategy. In our constantly connected world, the battle for customer’s attention is fierce. To ensure your brand stands out from the crowd, a multifaceted approach is necessary. From physical leaflets to SEO strategies, there are numerous ways to raise your company’s profile. Below, we…

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How To Become a Successful Business Owner

a business owner having a successful meeting with their team

Embarking on a journey to become a successful business owner requires more than a great idea; it demands a combination of passion, strategy, and tenacity. The path to success is multifaceted, involving an understanding of the entrepreneurial spirit, the formulation of a comprehensive business plan, financial savvy, brand development, and an emphasis on networking. Navigating…

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Recession Proofing:  Is a Branded Community Right for You?

Before we go much further, I think I need to make sure you know what a Branded Community is.  A Branded Community is a place or hub in which your customers/ clients connect with each other and geek out about your brand/ product/ service.  These are your raving fans on steroids. Every company or brand…

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How to Assume an “In-Demand” Mindset for Your Brand


Several years ago, it was trending in the marketing community that “busy” wasn’t a good brand.  Entrepreneurs were being chastised for leading conversations and showcasing in their branding about the hectic pace of their lives and businesses.  They were told over and over that “busy” isn’t an attractive brand. And it isn’t.  But if we…

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Become a Figurehead for Your Brand

a large wooden ship

For many of us, the idea of an international corporation that has no notable faces seems a little bit off-putting. We would rather a figurehead, even a fictional one like Mickey Mouse, to serve as the face of a corporation for us to relate to its mission and accept its place in our lives more…

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4 Reasons Family Brands Are Successful On Main Street

Whether you call it Main Street or the high street, whichever country you’re in, it is a hugely competitive space to do business. And in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, droves of consumers have started shopping online instead, which means that retailers now have to go even further to turn a profit. More often…

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