6 Ways to Improve the Performance of Your Small Business

As a small business, you will always benefit from improving your operations, and there are a number of things that you can do to remain competitive. These options include using digital marketing, outsourcing their bookkeeping and keeping up with the latest trends. You can also inspire employees, create a high-quality website and automate as many…

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9 Ways Automation Makes Your Sales Team More Efficient

A good sales team is one that is persuasive, effective, and above all, efficient. Having the soft skills to close a deal is paramount. But, it’s also important that a salesperson has the tools to prioritize, nurture, and in some cases, move on from as many leads as possible. That’s where automation comes in. In…

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9 Ways Automation Makes Your Sales Team More Efficient

A good sales team is one that is persuasive, effective, and above all, efficient. Having the soft skills to close a deal is paramount. But, it’s also important that a salesperson has the tools to prioritize, nurture, and in some cases, move on from as many leads as possible. That’s where automation comes in. In…

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3 Best Practices for Delivering Excellent Customer Service

Customer service is critical for your business’s success. In fact, American consumers will spend 17% more to do business with a company they feel gives exceptional customer service. Additionally, incredible service can lead to more customers while a poor experience can have a huge negative impact on your business. On average, customers who are happy…

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Office Automation: Is Your Business Keeping Up?

Automation is often considered as the preserve of heavily mechanized, just-in-time production verticals such as automotive, or similar ‘Industry’ with a capital ‘I.’ But a growing host of innovative products and services is changing that rapidly. From safety mechanisms to protect workers, through to cost-saving efficiency devices, the age of interconnected sensors and integrated management…

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How to Automate Your Small Business

The logistics of running a small business can eat up a lot of your time. Seemingly simple tasks, like tracking mileage and invoicing, can often keep you working late into the night and on weekends. That’s time you could be spending focusing on your clients or customers, being with your family, or just taking a…

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Conversation Qualified Leads: Using Drift to Engage Prospects

Marketers feel that sales don’t care enough about existing content and simply let it go unused. Sales teams say that marketers aren’t doing enough to deliver quality leads that show signs of purchase intent. The rift between sales and marketing dates back to the earliest days of online marketing (probably earlier). It’s a vicious circle that business…

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Robots: The New Tech Trend Taking Off

For a select group of early adopters, robots are making life safer and easier. They’ve emerged from labs walking, rolling and leaping on command. The term robot originated in 1921 from Czechoslovakian playwright Karel Capek’s play called (R.U.R) Rossum’s Universal Robots. It originated from the Czechoslovakian word for “forced labor.” The play left the public…

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Marketing Automation Doesn’t Mean Autopilot

Marketing automation is nothing new, but it is enjoying a renewed focus in conversations about how to stay connected to your prospects and customers. As brands get better about creating content and understanding that our potential customers watch and interact with us for a long time before they’re ready to buy, we have to be…

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How to Survive Automation: Upskill and Adapt to Change

If you haven’t already, you should definitely check out the CGP Grey video on YouTube titled “Humans Need Not Apply.” The “threat” of automation has people scared, worried that technological unemployment will reign supreme once we allow robots to take our jobs. The good news is that many agree that even if massive robot-induced layoffs…

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