Posts Tagged ‘Advertising’
9 Advanced Content Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
Starting a small business can seem like a huge gamble, but the biggest emphasis on your small business is not always the initial or ongoing investment. Your largest influence will be the content marketing strategies that you employ. There are many strategies to speak of for content marketing, but if you want to stand out…
Read MoreHelp! My Digital Display Ads Aren’t Working
I recently got an email from a reader who was struggling with their digital display ads. They were underperforming and the business owner was considering pulling the ads. Here’s what I said back to her. Thanks for your email and the stats on your digital ads. You’re right, based on industry standards, your click-through rate of less…
Read MoreGo Local: 3 Easy Ways to Create Loyal Customers
Small business owners are becoming savvier about optimizing their brand recognition and conversion rates. One great way to ensure that your small business remains on track to connecting with and converting people is by optimizing your local marketing strategies. While there are several ways that you can market your brand at the local level, the…
Read More3 Ways You Could Be Wasting Advertising Money
Businesses must rely on good advertising to bring them customers. It’s very difficult to generate organic leads and create a strong brand without it. However, the money poured into company advertising schemes isn’t always well placed. Research from a recent Nielsen survey entitled Digital Ad Ratings shows that billions are being wasted in the digital…
Read MoreGoogle AdWords: The Ultimate Marketing Solution for Small Businesses
Just 16 years ago, Google launched the Self-Service Advertising Program, what would later be known as Google AdWords. Over the years, this online marketing strategy has experienced tremendous growth and today it serves as one of the widely used advertising platforms in the information era. For those who might not be familiar with it, AdWords…
Read MoreAn Unexpected Advertising Strategy That Pays Off in the Long Run
I’m not sure I’d believe any modern entrepreneur who tells me that sharing their work wasn’t part of the reason they succeeded. Most of us could never have gotten this far without the advice, processes and entire working programs that have been released freely by some of this generation’s most charitable pros. I’ve been a longtime reader…
Read MoreHow to Measure Offline Advertising with Google Analytics
<rant> Since I’ve been in the digital space, I have worked under the title “web analyst,” using “web analytics” tools like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and WebTrends. However, the preface “web” is misleading. The term “digital analytics,” though broader, still doesn’t do justice to the capabilities of these platforms. We can measure so much more…
Read More7 Ways to Avoid Online False Advertising Claims
A lot of business owners don’t realize that advertising is regulated by both the federal and state governments. Any advertising that deceives or misleads can be considered unlawful. Even if you didn’t intend for the ad to be misleading, you may still have legal problems – intention doesn’t matter, in the end. In order to…
Read MoreAre You Ready to Go Native?
One of the things I both love and hate about the marketing industry is the constant quest for creating the hot new thing. Sometimes, there really is something that is so new and innovative, like the topic for last week’s column—retargeting—that it can legitimately make the claim “hot new thing.” But there are other times…
Read MoreWhat Advertising Structure Makes Sense for Your Franchise?
There are many aspects of franchising that factor into the overall success. Creating the FDD, recruiting franchisees, and developing proprietary products typically take the spotlight. One that doesn’t receive a lot of attention is building out an effective advertising structure. Despite its underwhelming attention, outlining advertising requirements plays heavily into gaining exposure for the franchise…
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