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Live the Entrepreneurial Addiction

According to a report published by CNN.com, 79 percent of American businesses have no employees other than just the proprietor. Entrepreneurs are a gang of smart folks, who know how to govern their lives and climb up the business ladder with valued progress every time. They are a pack of creative people who are blessed with far sighted vision, strong business pursuits, and a deep sense of responsibility.

Entrepreneurship is no longer just a business term. It represents how some people, who we call “entrepreneurs,” think and react to certain tricky business situations. Once the adrenalin rushes up, they forget everything and get involved to find better and bigger ways to solve a problem. From ideation to the product or service development, they are busy finding ways to innovate and execute better. And the journey doesn’t stop here.
Risky and Unconventional Life
Some say entrepreneurs are just the lucky ones who get to be their own boss. Some even think they are born with a silver spoon in their mouths and, therefore, their journey is simply a bed of roses. But it isn’t true. From launching a first startup to finding financial ways to meet venture budgets, entrepreneurship requires a lot of planning and involves a large amount of risk. Many entrepreneurs go so far as mortgaging their property or taking up high interest loans to set up and roll on their business goals.
Entrepreneurs lead a fearless life to break through conventional approaches and bring out uncommon and unforeseen directions to work. Whether it is Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or even the young and versatile Mark Zuckerberg, all have shown that once entrepreneurship strikes, it is no less than an addiction. They failed in many steps, yet rose up like the phoenix and displayed great persistence to achieve success.
Never-Say-Die Attitude Counts
The best part of an entrepreneur’s life is his power to face success and failure with a smile. He is not shaken up with the scars of failure. Instead, with an undying spirit, he analyzes and pursues the issue forward with more distinct goals and business plans. He is always optimistic and eager to improve everything and anything.
Being an entrepreneur requires strong leadership qualities to steer ahead the right way. A good entrepreneur has to be a good leader. However a good leader does not necessarily mean a good entrepreneur. What sets an entrepreneur apart from a leader is his attitude, confidence, fearless spirit, and ability to accept challenges. His ability to walk through with risks makes him valuable all the time.
Spread the Fire
Since entrepreneurship is just not a term anymore, it is time to spread the entrepreneurship fever. Gone are the days when an entrepreneur’s job was just to create solutions, develop a product, and roll it out to the market. It now involves creating path-breaking solutions to face larger problems concerning the environment, your locality, and the like. Spread your addiction far and wide to develop innovative and path breaking solutions that benefit all around you.
Take risks wherever required because you have joined the bandwagon out of your passion and not because you were not able to make it anywhere. Small calculated steps can help you climb up. Make a note of your wrong decisions, analyze them and finally set yourself in motion again with a revamped zest. Your entrepreneurial graph should always soar higher and higher. Trust the leader in you and splurge ahead with the addiction and live the life that you always yearned for as an entrepreneur.
Published: September 9, 2013

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Debarati Mukherjee

Debarati Mukherjee is an accomplished blogger, journalist, and communicator, with over five years of media writing experience. She has written on diverse subjects ranging from entrepreneurship and small businesses to human rights, beauty, fashion and fitness. There are more than 100 articles credited to her name. Presently she is working as Director Communications with Ruby on Rails Development Company, Idyllic Software which is technology partner to startups and helps grow their business. You can follow her at Twitter or LinkedIn or write to her: debarati@idyllic-software.com.

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