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Creating Platform-Specific Content: JustFly’s Guide to Finding Your Audience

By: Keith Holland


Creating Platform Specific Content

Content marketing isn’t about just writing great content and hitting ENTER. With the wave of different platforms that are out there, content needs to be tailor-made to the medium you are using to broadcast it.

While some platforms have very stringent limits hardcoded into the experience (I’m looking at you, Twitter), other platforms simply require a moment or two of thought to optimize. In order to get the skinny on what you need to do to make your content shine no matter where you are publishing it, I spoke with JustFly, an online travel agency. JustFly has been incorporating new content strategies that have made a noticeable impact on their bottom line. I asked them how they prepare for different platforms when creating online content.


The blood that flows through the veins of Facebook is interaction. Content for Facebook needs to be designed to be interactive. While being a less direct CTA (call to action) than Twitter, Facebook-specific content needs to encourage users to do something, while providing images, links, and supporting content to excite readers.

Bear in mind, Facebook does have an effect on Google Rankings, as witnessed in JustFly’s review, but not by using backlinks. Instead, it is hypothesized that Google ranks Facebook based on engagement, so make that content interactive!


From a wide-open platform to easily the most limiting, Twitter is famous for its brevity. That 140 character count can be ominous when you are trying to cram your message into such a small count. Luckily, Twitter isn’t about enthralling content, it’s about building efficient bridges.

JustFly says that 99% of the time, you can think of Twitter posts as simply a giant link. As an aggregator, it is your job to write content that makes it stand out, and stand out quick. In terms of simple guidelines, JustFly tends to lean on 100 characters for content, and 40 characters for links and hashtags. This should allow you to get everyone moving in the right direction.

One last important Twitter tip: When it comes to shortening links, always use bit.ly. It is statistically proven to be more likely to be retweeted.


LinkedIn is all about demographics. While Twitter and Facebook posts are written for a very general audience and should be simple to understand, it is reasonable to believe that more technical and niche content can be acceptable on LinkedIn. While it may reach a narrower base of your audience, this specialized content is more likely to be shared, due to its specialist nature. In terms of general content, it should be brief and to the point, as your readership more than likely includes busy people with less time on their hands than your average Facebook audience.

Published: April 28, 2016

Source: Array

keith holland

Keith Holland

Keith Holland is the Community Manager for Momentum Ventures in Montreal, Quebec. Follow Momentum Ventures on Facebook and at @MVenturesMTL, and reach Keith by email at keith.holland@mventures.ca.

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