If someone is to do business with your company they need to trust that your team is experts who know what they’re doing. They need to see your business as an authority figure who has got the best solution to their problem.
In a nutshell, this is what makes your ‘About Us’ page so crucial. It’s the page that best demonstrates your knowledge, experience, and expertise on a particular niche, and—when done right—it helps to connect you and your brand with your audience. It strengthens bonds and cements your position as the business people can trust.
The problem is this: How do you go about crafting an ‘About Us’ page that builds confidence and trust? Where on earth do you make a start? How do you make your page sound amazing and not just another flimsy bio-come-resume?
In this article, we take a look at how to create the perfect ‘About Us’ page in 5 easy steps.
Step #1: Nail the Headline
Headlines are hard, no matter what the page in question is.
When it comes to your ‘About Us’ page, your headline needs to be clear, simple, and highlight the benefits of doing business with you.
A good idea is to write a headline that covers your core mission. Your core mission is also your greatest benefit. If you can capture your core mission succinctly and powerfully in one line, you should consider using that as your headline.
Apptopia does a great job at this, with the mission statement, “To provide the most actionable app store data.”
It’s simple, it speaks directly to the right audience, and it describes the benefits, and contains high volume search phrases.
Second to your message is SEO. Aim to use at least one of your target search terms in your headline and subheadings on all pages. In this case, search engines will know what your website represents, so use the word “about” in an H1 or H2 format near the top of the page.
Also, as illustrated in this case study, it’s crucial to include long tail search phrases in your early website content.
Step #2: Make it About You—But Also What You’re Going to do for People
A rookie mistake when it comes to About Us pages is to make it all about you.
True, the clue is in the name—an ‘About Us’ page should be about us, right?
However, if you make it all about yourself, you’re losing sight of the golden marketing rule: your customers only care about what’s in this for them.
It’s absolutely right that you need to show your customers why they should trust you, and for this reason, you do need to dedicate some of your About Us page to writing about yourselves. To this end, you can talk about your achievements, your backstory and why you’re here.
But you then need to transition into showing people what you’re going to do for them. What services are you going to provide? How are you going to benefit others?
Step #3: Be Friendly
Basically, be a good human who knows how to connect with other people. If you can’t nail this bit, if your copy isn’t personable or engaging, your brand might look too stiff, wooden, robotic, impersonal and off-putting.
Essentially, ask yourself who you would trust: A business that talks as coldly as a robot? Or a business that talks with warmth and friendliness?
It’s the latter, right? To this end, get rid of any industry jargon you’ve been using and replace it with personality and humanity. Sound real, friendly and authentic.
Step #4: Include Engaging Visuals
Your logo needs to be front and center on your About Us page. If you’re thinking of using a personal photo of you and your team, know this: A personal photo isn’t necessary but a logo is.
Your logo strengthens your brand’s image, making it stronger and promoting more familiarity. It’s how people recognize you. The more they see it, the more they’ll be able to familiarize themselves with your brand. If you haven’t got a strong logo yet, check out Fiverr or Upwork to get one created without a huge expense.
You’ll need to know the do’s and don’ts of digitizing artwork if you plan to use anything you’ve created offline (sketches, paintings, etc) on your website. For example, you can’t take a low-resolution photo of artwork from your phone and expect it to turn out to be a high-quality page header.
This may seem like a trivial detail, but it’s not—Your site needs a logo and a favicon. You do not want the Weebly, Wix, or Wordpress logo showing up in your visitors’ browser tab because it makes your website seem unfinished/ unprofessional.
If you don’t have time to hire a designer to get you multiple-sized icons and logos for your site, no problem. For now, you can leverage a tool like Hatchful to generate a starter branding kit with a favicon and several different sized logos.
Step #5: Use the Right Tools
When designing a new page, you can use existing templates or customize the design. Don’t forget that there are tools out there to make your job much easier.
A visual editor plugin can turn any WordPress dashboard into a drag and drop builder.
The right WordPress hosting will make all the difference in the world where speed is concerned.
If you want your about page to help with SEO, you’ll need to make sure your page is optimized. Yoast’s SEO plugin simplifies this — it’s almost like cheating.
In a nutshell, if part of your page creation work is tedious, find out what tools are out there to help, and leverage them to your advantage.
Step #6: Aim for Brevity
One of the biggest problems businesses face when creating About Us pages is knowing what to include and what not to include. It’s so easy to get carried away and write an extensive, detailed an exhaustive backstory that—let’s face it—turns into a wall of text that puts people off.
If you’re struggling to know what to include and what not to include, it’s a good idea to break your About Us page down to a few (maybe four) sub-headers. Then, think about what’s most important about your company. What do people need to hear about the most? Perhaps one of your sub-headers could be “Mission” and perhaps another could be “Promise.”
Make your sub-headers bold and keep your copy for each sub-header short, direct and compelling.
Finally, power words can have a huge impact on conversions. So, use them in place of boring words with no emotional impact.
These are the five steps you need to take to create a perfect About Us page. It all starts with a powerful headline, followed by copy that engages the reader by discussing who you are, before addressing what you will do. Include your logo, be friendly, and keep things short, simple but compelling.