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7 Ways You Can Significantly Increase Your Email Subscribers

By: Usman Raza


Ways to Significantly Increase Email Subscribers

Email marketing is the best way to deliver your promotional messages right into the inbox of the web user or customer (prospective or otherwise). A study and survey recently revealed that around 77% of customers like to get the marketing posts and information through the emails if the subscription message seeks permission.

Email is still the lucrative and effective way to reach to the target customer base specifically. Below are some ways that you can use to increase your email subscriber base, and to have a number of customers.

Here Are 7 Ways You Can Increase Your Email Subscribers Significantly

1. Pop-up Overlays

While many people find the pop-ups annoying, they still are a quick and efficient way to get email subscribers. A recent survey indicates that the overlaid pop-ups can increase the email opt-ins by as much as 400%. The dark colored overlays exhibit a lucrative and pleasing customer generation stats as well, with businesses getting around 50 % of their business through the customers that come to its fold via the pop-ups. Below are some ways through which you can make your popup more interesting and customer friendly.

  • Design: Design the popup in customer friendly and trustworthy way, so that it influences the web user positively. The popup design should also have the right consistency and brand value so that it does not resemble an advertisement but a valuable proposition.
  • Headline: Your headline should have the right message, be informative and should grasp the reader attention almost immediately. It is even better if it solves a problem.
  • Timing: Time the popup display in a way that the reader goes through its message most attentively and with peace of mind. You can time it after the reader has gone through the website’s main content, or can time it for display as soon as the reader is on the website, or somewhere in between. It might depend on the website page’s relevancy with the popup up, and the company offering, among other aspects. The duration of a display can vary between 15 seconds, to a greater of 60 seconds.
  • Size: The size of the popup should be adequate so that it clearly describes the information but has no extra and empty space. The mobile and tablet displays may also vary in size, and should be devised with care.

2. Use the Latest Technology

The new technologies time and size your overlay popups, so that they get the best user attention. For instance, a new technology shows the popup when the user moves the cursor towards the top of the web page, in order to move back or move forward on the website. This new technology has helped the online companies to increase their email subscriber base by more than 20%. While some of these services are costly, other kinds of codes come to you without a price and provide the same kind of fruitful results.

3. Give Options

You can become a user favorite by offering him or her certain options towards connecting with your website and /or company. For instance, you can give the option of signing upon for the RSS feeds if the user is not willing to subscribe to the email list. It has been found that providence of options can enhance the email signup figure by up to 30%.

4. The “Bar” Configuration

Two of the digital companies that today offer the “Bar” message technology are Viper and Hello. The red colored bar sits on top of your website, and can easily gather the user attention. You can display the message of email subscription within this bar. The method is quite sober, does not override the customer privacy and is also quite affordable. The bar is there constantly and is also adequately sized so that your message gets the user attention throughout the session.

5. Efforts Towards the “Landing” Page

While the significance of bars and pop-ups towards new email subscribers is immense, the landing page email opt-in form design is still the most prominent way to get new email mail opt-ins. See to it that your landing page:

  • Has an effective and useful headline
  • Depicts all the benefits
  • Has an appealing CTA or call-to-action
  • Has Social media buttons and attachments
  • Has a short and concise email form that asks for the least information

Do not be shy of the heavier texts, though, if the information provided is immense and each point is appealing to the user. Well-crafted landing pages can increase your email subscriptions by more than 30%.

6. Ask Your Followers to “Share”

Referrals are a great way to increase the span and reach of a business. You can ask your current subscriber base to share the subscription forms with their friends, acquaintances, colleagues and family members, among others. This will help you reach to a larger audience, at no extra cost. Also, try to make it lucrative for the subscribers.

7. Choose Amongst “Single” or “Double” Opt In

A “single” stage opt-in is where the user enters the email information into the form and is automatically added henceforth to the email subscriber list. The “double” stage opt-in is when a user enters the email information, gets an email on the basis of that information, and clicks on the link to actually be an email subscriber (the confirmation). He or she may also be subsequently provided or would be required to create a secured password later.

While the double stage opt-in makes you look more genuine and authentic. The single stage opt-in is more user-friendly. Some studies suggest that the double stage opt-in process provides for the greater number of subscribers, while others show contrary results.

The best method is to do a survey and find out which one would suit your online business better. The kind of business you do might also decide what kind of opt-in you should have. For instance, if you are selling a health/nutrition product, you would like the process to be more genuine, and so will the user. For the tech devices, you do not require a multi-stage authentication. You can also input your own thoughts to find out what suits the best.

The above tips will help you greater customer engagement, retention and conversion rates. You will find some more effective tips here. Remember that the success of a business depends on perseverance, and you should do you efforts on a daily basis, in order to succeed.

Published: April 13, 2017

Source: Array

usman Raza

Usman Raza

Usman Raza is a CEO of Usman Digital Media and co-founder of Christian Marketing Experts, content marketing specialist at webdaytona.com. He has been writing for magazines and newspapers since 2001, and editing and managing websites since 2006. Usman has a BA in Business Development, Philosophy, and English. A generalist, his most covered topics are business and technology. When not working, he’s probably spending time with his family.

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