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The Most Successful Way to Market to Millennials



Most Successful Way to Market to Millennials

We read headlines about millennials daily, but it’s not every day that brand strategists are able to hear directly from the largest generational group in the U.S. Brands succeed when they start a conversation that someone wants to join. That’s part of what we do at my company, and that’s what Nielsen did in The Millennials on Millennials Report, its latest report on the largest generational group in the U.S. Millennials are digital natives, which means that they grew up with a level of technological literacy that’s fairly new to the market. Social media is the heartbeat of marketing to millennials, but it’s not as simple as a static digital presence.

Viewing Patterns Are Shifting

Nielsen’s Millennials on Millennials Report cites the generation as a distracted audience in terms of their viewing behavior. Channel-surfing has traditionally demarcated distraction. However, the report found that less than 2% of millennials watching TV changed the channel during commercials. Comparatively, older generations doubled and quadrupled that percentage. Though they didn’t channel surf during commercials, millennials scored low memorability rates for what they watched. This indicates a major shift in viewing patterns, and all signs point to mobile devices. While Nielsen reports that millennials are still watching TV in the traditional sense, they’re frequently — and simultaneously — tuned into TV-connected devices.

Meet Them Where They Are

For many millennials, multitasking is the new relaxing. While the study showed that Gen X and baby boomer viewers focused their attention on the TV but changed the channel, millennials were reportedly more likely to scroll through their phones or open new tabs on their laptops. This culture of multitasking often has 18-34 year olds switching between devices, from phones to tablets to smart TVs. Millennials are plugged-in and synced across their devices, and this division of attention can actually prove to benefit strategic ad campaigns. By dividing your brand’s ad investment into multiple platforms, you can extend your reach across channels. If your ad content is relevant to a popular TV broadcast, you can leverage that by promoting a post in real-time — across social channels — by targeting that specific audience.

Targeting Gets Personal

Because of the diversity among millennials, targeting isn’t a one-size-fits-all model. Brands are extending their reach across social media with the increasing amount of ad targeting management options offered by platforms like Facebook and Instagram. They’re partnering for interactive social campaigns and seeking activations beyond mobile devices, organically entering into a customer’s lifestyle. Social groups and lifestyle preferences indicate purchasing patterns more accurately than traditional life stages: Millennials grew up with product reviews and social tools to share opinions before committing to a purchase, and influencer marketing is a result of this word-of-mouth culture that values trusted endorsements. Social media is one way for customers to express brand loyalty, and it also provides an unofficial endorsement in the form of user-generated content (UGC) that can then be reposted by the brand. This direct engagement invites the millennial audience into a conversation while strengthening the relationship between consumer and brand.

Traditional Advertising Is Fading Fast

The old regime of traditional advertising is fading as millennials focus on experiences and interactivity over hard sells. Unsurprisingly, content providers caught on even before Nielsen’s study reported millennials as having the lowest program engagement and lowest ad memorability scores. That’s why ad-skipping features are often disabled in video on demand, or VOD, content. However, limitations like this haven’t deterred millennials from ad viewership and engagement. In fact, in terms of openness to advertising, millennials are actually more receptive to viewing ads than other generational groups as long as the VOD content they are viewing is accessible and free. This conditional acceptance of ads aligns with the pattern of millennials responding well to an acknowledgment of their values.

A Currency of Clicks

Millennials across a range of socioeconomic backgrounds share an increasingly valuable resource: their attention. Marketers and advertisers have a historic opportunity to present their value propositions to these plugged-in viewers. According to Nielsen, many millennials polled understand the necessity of ads and aren’t bothered by them. That number leaps from 46% to 75% when the content they’re viewing is free. Nielsen data doesn’t prove what millennials want, but my experience targeting the millennial market for many of my clients has clued me in. Based on practical executions, I’ve learned that this generation values being acknowledged as individuals, being presented with options, and feeling connected. They’re receptive to brand storytelling over straightforward ads. Millennials exhibit early adoption tendencies and develop a loyalty to brands they can trust. Millennials don’t care if content is branded; they care about whether it speaks to them.

Millennials have a lot to offer the market, and it all starts with their valued attention. The rise of social and influencer marketing exemplifies the ways in which millennials prefer to be part of a brand’s conversation, not a passive witness to an ad. By directly addressing this generation, brands are able to spark a connection. Engaging with millennials sustains these connections and transforms ads from an afterthought to an experience.

Author: Kelly Ehlers is the President of Ideas That Evoke, a social media and PR agency, the 24th Fastest Growing Agency in 2016, Inc Magazine.

Published: April 13, 2018

Source: Business Collective

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