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New Study: Why People Like Promotional Products

By: Elaine Fogel


Why People Love Promotional Products

Does advertising really influence people to buy? Research proves it does, and the reason is so subtle that they may not even realize it’s happening. So says a new study conducted by PPAI Research that focused on the connection with promotional products in three areas: mindset, motive, and meaning.


  • 80% like receiving promotional products
  • 71% wish they received promotional products more often compared with 48 percent in 2009 – a 23% increase in 10 years (2009 Consumer Study)
  • 73% prefer promotional products over any other form of advertising


  • 72% equate the quality of a promotional product they receive with the reputation of the company that gave it to them
  • 79% pass along promotional products after they are no longer using them
  • Sustainability is key when choosing products consumers will keep


  • 75% say promotional products are a good way to learn about new businesses in the area
  • 74% say promotional products they receive at events make experiences more memorable
  • 73% say promotional products are a good way to learn about upcoming sales and events
  • 96% of consumers want to know ahead of time when companies offer promotional products

The PPAI study underscores an earlier study this year by ASI, “overall ownership of promo items remains sky high.”

In addition, the cost per impression (CPI) of promotional products can be as low as 1/10 of one cent—lower than nearly any other advertising medium—making it a great choice for smaller businesses and nonprofits lacking large advertising budgets.

There’s also a higher likelihood that people will do business with a company if they receive a promotional product.

Consumers are nearly 2.5 times more likely to have a positive opinion of promotional products compared to internet advertising.

ASI data indicates that most promotional products aren’t ending up in the trash. Quality and utility are why people keep promo items – they’re being used daily, helping people at work, in school, on the field, on the go or at home. As a matter of fact, the average length of time a consumer keeps a promotional product is about one year.

After a promotional product has worn out its welcome, more than half of consumers are likely to give the item to someone else. That never-ending chain allows for endless eyeballs to view a brand and its message.

How can you use promotional products in your marketing mix?

For more information on promotional product marketing, visit my company site.

Published: August 27, 2019

Source: Elaine Fogel

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Elaine Fogel

Elaine Fogel is a marketing, branding, and customer experience evangelist, professional speaker, and author of Beyond Your Logo: 7 Brand Ideas That Matter Most For Small Business Success. People in 100+ countries regularly read her blog, Totally Uncorked on Marketing and her articles have appeared in many publications.

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