We all love to hear more yeses and Yes is the key to more sales in any direct sales business. Here is a simple system to boost your number of yeses so that you can increase sales and make more money from home.
How To Get To Yes
A proven system will work in all sales businesses no matter what the product or business model is. This system of how to get to YES will work for you no matter what your product line is.
- Build Rapport. Develop a relationship with small talk.
- Get Them To Say Yes. During the rapport building session get them to say yes or any positive statements.
- What is in it for them. Most direct sellers share what is in it for them after they hear the NO—so share what is in it for them first!
- Compliment them. Always give some simple compliments during the conversation. (I bet you have a lot of friends. Your home is perfect!)
- Practice the 10 second rule. Share for 10 seconds or less and always end in a question during the rapport building session.
- Ask your question.
Direct Sales System For Hearing More Yeses
It does not matter what your question is; this is a simple system to hear more yeses in any business.
- Would you like my card?
- Would you like to pick a date?
- Would you like an upsell?
- May I call you?
Practice the 10 Second Rule and the secret to more yeses and take the time to learn how to get to yes more often. Direct sellers have a tendency to talk too much. These simple systems of communication will keep the focus on your guest or customer.
This article was originally published by Home Party Plan Training Center
Published: July 18, 2013