Sales representatives are classic workhorses for businesses who want to skyrocket their sales or generate leads. We know this to be true since according to, “78% of decision makers polled have taken an appointment or attended an event that came from an email or cold call.“
The figure is quite telling, isn’t it?
If you aren’t convinced of how powerful sales calls can be for your business, then I doubt if anything else can ever convince you.
However, just like in most things in business, you getting amazing results from your outbound cold call campaigns hinges on whether or not you (or your team) are using this method of marketing effectively.
Do it right, and you’ll get troves of customers. Do it wrong, and you’ll end up burning your money.
Just to make sure that you don’t end up doing the latter, allow me to share with you this 4-step strategy to making sales calls. If you take the time to implement the steps that we’ll discuss, you are bound to get amazing results out of your outbound sales call campaigns.
Step 1: Uncover your prospect’s pain points.
Uncovering your prospect’s pain points can help you pitch your services strategically.
Without having an idea of what their problems are, you won’t have a clear direction of how you’ll go about selling them your services. This can often lead to your sales representatives talking to your prospects with such disconnect, that your prospects would even want to hang up on them.
On the other hand, when you know what your prospect’s problems are, you’ll be able to convey how valuable your products are to them since your products can help solve their problems.
Step 2: Rub their problems in their faces.
Reminding your prospects about their problems and rubbing it on their faces can make them emotional.
If you’ve had your fair share of studying sales strategies, then you’d have probably known by now that emotion is what compels people to buy, not logic.
That being said, the more emotional your prospective customers are, the higher your chances are of being able to close them as customers.
Step 3: Offer a solution to their problem. Talk about your products.
Now that your prospective customers are feeling emotional and desperate about wanting to solve their problems, it’s the best time for you to talk about your products.
That is, of course, if your products are real problem solvers.
Here’s the thing, when you go about doing cold calls with the mindset of, “I’m not here to sell. I am here to solve my prospective customers’ problems” you’ll have more confidence since you aren’t calling for selfish reasons.
In addition to that, you know full well that at the end of the transaction, it is not you who stands to gain more from the transaction, but it is your customers. This helps solidify the point you aren’t doing anything selfish.
You are selling for them.
Step 4: Ask for the sale. Don’t be afraid to close.
Don’t be afraid to ask for the order, will you?
Remember that at the end of the day, if your prospects won’t end up buying what you’re selling, then almost all of your efforts would have been for naught.
If you’ve followed steps 1, 2, and 3, however, then your prospective customers should already be gung-ho about wanting to have your product. All that’s left is for you to ask for the order.
What’s next?
Have you ever relied on cold calling to drum up more customers for your business? If you answered with a “yes,” then, please share your best cold calling tips in the comments section below. Cheers!
Author: Jimmy Rodela is Executive Boutique Call Center’s Digital Marketing Manager. He has been awarded as’s Market Expert of the Month and has been contributing articles on reputable business websites.
He is also the Owner and Founder of, and he loves Japanese food!