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This is On Leaders’ Minds Right Now

By: Angela Ash


a business leader

Most leaders often think that once they can successfully carry out their plans and strategies for their organization which yields excellent results, they have done well as a leader.  But, there’s much more to it than that, isn’t there? Besides developing a successful business, leaders need to get interested in their team’s development. This ensures that these employees will be balanced and set precedents for emerging leaders.

What’s on Leaders’ Minds for This Year

There is no doubt that the pandemic that has occurred and the situations it has brought with it still lingers on. With so many changes in the current business environment, it’s super important to keep your company on track in 2022 — as a LEADER. Here are some of the top considerations to keep in mind.

Choosing Flexible Working Models

There is a need for leaders to choose flexible working models because it has proven to be very effective when it comes to increasing employees’ productivity. With remote work, some can even become digital nomads and obtain dual citizenship in the countries they find themselves in. This invariably leads to your organization’s rapid progress since employees have more freedom and motivation to work better.

Implementing Stellar Hiring and Onboarding Practices

Leaders often find their businesses experiencing torrid times due to their new employees leaving their organizations because they are underperforming. This is why leaders must implement stellar hiring and onboarding practices. Leaders should ensure that their prospective employees undergo onboarding training to prevent an endless cycle of hiring, rehiring and expenses. They can consider integrator services to implement stellar hiring to move their business forward. This will lead to knowing what an integrator means.

What Is an Integrator in Business?

The term “integrator” was coined by Gino Wickman in his best-selling business books Traction and Rocketfuel. You typically learn about integrators when implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) as a management practice for your company.

“An Integrator is a person who is the tie-breaker for the leadership team, is the glue for the organization, holds everything together, beats the drum (provides cadence), is accountable for the P&L results, executes the business plan, holds the Leadership Team accountable, and is the steady force in the organization.” (EOS Worldwide).

Plus, every business implementing the EOS management system needs an integrator. Hiring an integrator for a company makes problems easier to solve and helps to achieve your business goals and objectives with a concrete plan.

Heightening Data Security

According to research by the World Economic Forum in 2019, 58% of cybercrimes target business organizations. Leaders must ensure they heighten their companies’ data security to prevent breaches. Strengthening data security for a company can be done by installing firewalls in PCs used for business transactions, ensuring that software upgrades for PCs are up to date, and using full disk data encryption. Doing this helps to prevent unnecessary spending of money and ensures that your organization’s reputation is intact.

Improving Delivery Processes

Improving delivery processes helps a company to retain and keep its customers happy. You can deploy digital tools like electronic proof of delivery to make delivery easier through the tracking of shipments by companies, and customers can verify their products when delivered. This ensures that packages are delivered in short periods and customers are satisfied with their products.

Looking for Budget-Friendly Marketing

Leaders who want their businesses to move far know that they have to be smart when spending for marketing in their businesses. Using Budget-friendly marketing like email marketing ensures you gain at the highest level. Yet, you don’t spend much money in the process. Email marketing brands like Mailcharts can provide email examples for leaders who wish to use email marketing for their businesses.

Supporting an Online Business

Since technology has assumed its place as the most dominating force, some changes have occurred. There are now arrays of online businesses that are out there making waves. Supporting an online business as a leader is another way to make it more successful and improve your company’s reputation. This way, you can save your business operating cost, provide better customer support, and have a chance to run from any location.

Focusing on Employee Retention

As a leader, it does not make sense to have unhappy employees who leave your organization, as this can affect your organization’s growth. Focusing on employee retention helps you know how to engage your employees and ensure they are productive. This will improve your organization’s employee retention rate and make them loyal, thereby improving their quality of work.


As a leader, you must put away the fear of trying new things. The more leaders try to learn and adapt, the better they become at making important decisions. Staying ahead of the competition for leaders can only happen if they develop a mindset of experimentation and innovation.

The right time for you as a leader to embrace these business trends is now. This will help you have a company that will make lives better for both your customers and employees.

Published: July 27, 2022

Angela Ash

Angela Ash

Angela Ash is a professional writer who focuses on business topics related to marketing, remote work, productivity, entrepreneurship, freelancing, employee engagement and more. She also provides content and editing services for Flow Agency.

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